For detailed information visit the Symposium 2008 website.

Dr. Jeremy Mills
Dr. Jeremy Mills is a life-long Salvationist who, along with his wife Abby and their four children, attends the Napanee Corps in the Central-East Division. As a son of officer parents (and grand-parents) Jeremy has experienced the Army in a variety of settings and ministries both urban and rural. He is a graduate of the Army’s Youth Service Corps which many years ago provided him the opportunity for ministry in Northern British Columbia. His ministry gift is teaching and over the years he has lead Bible Studies for both young people and adults. Jeremy is a registered psychologist with a practice in forensic and counselling psychology. In addition to his practice he is an Adjunct Research Professor at Carleton University where he supervises undergraduate and graduate students. He has published numerous scientific research papers and made many conference presentations, and he has consulted and presented workshops in violence risk assessment across Canada and the US. Jeremy is also a former County Counsellor and Deputy Mayor of his community.
A Message From The Chair
I am honoured to serve as Chair of Symposium 2008 which will be a continuation of the dialogue between lay and Officer members and the leadership of The Salvation Army in the Canadian Territory. From October 30th to November 2nd of this year, 150 members (2/3 lay and 1/3 officer) of the Army will meet for 4 days at Jackson’s Point, Ontario to discuss issues important to the Army’s mission. Focusing on the five key themes of Discipling and spiritual growth, Identity, Interacting with Current Culture, Authority and Relationships, and Leadership, Symposium 2008 will continue to explore the issues facing Salvationist and our mission and seek direction for the future of the Army in Canada.
In the near future, the Steering Committee will be seeking delegates to attend Symposium 2008. We are looking for officers, soldiers, and adherents who are motivated to see the very best for the Army’s future. Delegates will be tasked with consulting with Salvationists in their home locales over the summer of 2008. Their findings on the issues will be uploaded to a web-based national discussion forum prior to the Symposium. Our time together at Jackson’s Point will feature worship, teaching, and discussion as we seek together a consensus on the future direction and priorities of the Army and its ministry in the Canadian Territory. I hope you will prayerfully consider becoming a delegate and joining in this exciting enterprise - Deo Volente