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Letter to all Officers/Salvationists

May 11, 2006

All Officers/Salvationists
Canada & Bermuda Territory

Dear Friends:


In January 2006, I wrote all officers to indicate that the initiation of Single Spouse Officership in this Territory would commence in May this year.

Since the International Commission on Officership (2000) opened the door to single spouse officership (SSO) this Territory has engaged in a period of thorough research and revision of Operating Policies. The policies specifically relating to SSO include:

#0401 - Transportation Assistance Program
#4902 - Child Care Allowances
#4910 - Officers' Allowances - Absences for Medical Reasons
#4916 - Laundry Expenses
#6401 - Officers' Allowances
#6703 - Life Insurance for Officers.

As these policies reach you via your Divisional Commander or Department Head, you are encouraged to read each of them carefully.

General information on SSO can be accessed on The Salvation Army website, under 'human resources'. This office will also distribute electronically PowerPoint and handout materials to each ministry unit so that all Salvation Army people will be informed.

More detailed information about single spouse officership is now available from your Divisional Commander or Department Head. Interested applicants should request an appointment with their Divisional Commander/Department Head. Please inform interested persons that the application process for SSO involves a number of significant steps over a period of months.

Thank you for assisting The Salvation Army by making single spouse officership known in your ministry unit.

God bless you.


Jean Moulton (Major)