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Ministry Resources Poll

Do you believe that the economic situation will worsen or improve in 2009?


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How You Can Help

You can help end Human Sexual Trafficking. Here's how:

Pray and get others praying (for trafficked persons, people vulnerable to being trafficked, traffickers and consumers in the commercial sex industry, supportive families and churches for trafficked persons, government leaders, the Church and all those fighting trafficking).

Learn more, and become more informed about the issue. Look at websites, read books or articles or watch documentaries. If you're a student, use this topic for a research project for school.

Talk about this issue with your friends, your church, your family, etc.

Support Fair Trade initiatives that give women in developing countries choices. Sacrifice the extra bit of money to make sure that products are Fair Trade-certified. It can make a big difference in people's lives. (To learn more, download a Fair Trade Bible study.)

Speak out against sexism/gender inequalities that come up in everyday life.

Contact your local Anti-Trafficking Network rep. to volunteer your time/energy to fight trafficking or volunteer with a local organization that is fighting trafficking. See the resources page for ideas of who is involved in this fight.

Be on the lookout for those who may have been trafficked and report any suspected cases immediately.