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Ambassadors of Holiness - Christ calls each of us to follow him.  Are you up to the challenge?  Click here to read more.

Does God still call people to officership? Is it all about numbers or is it about quality leadership? He has a definite future for His army. Click here to read more.

Should we all be praying for Candidate recruitment? Is this a corporate responsibility? Are you open to encouraging others? Click here to read more.

Is officership the toughest job going? If yes, why so? click here for a closer look. Click here to read more.


Do you know any “prayer warriors”? The term usually refers to people who promise to pray, and do pray-and then, pray some more. They love prayer! For they see prayer as not only important, but crucial. Prayer warriors don’t consider prayer a hardship in any way, for it has become part of who they are. They are determined, through prayer, that answers will come; for they know Who is listening to their prayers-having an intimate relationship with God.

If you were going through a very difficult time in your life-whether it be a health issue for you or a family member, or a relationship issue concerning a parent, or child, or friend-wouldn’t you want a prayer warrior to be there for you, praying the issue through on your behalf? Wouldn’t you be strengthened in your faith because of this?

General Shaw Clifton has announced that the next session of Cadets, for the years 2008-2010,  be called just this: “Prayer Warriors.” What an awesome name! What a responsibility that accompanies this name. What a challenge for those contemplating Salvation Army officership  next fall.

What then, in day to day reality, is a prayer warrior? What images come to mind-whether one is actually applying for this coming session of cadets, or serving God as an active soldier or adherent of The Salvation Army? How do prayer warriors relate to this postmodern culture in which we live?

PRAYER WARRIOR-One who believes in the Power of Prayer.

Prayer is our direct line to God, through His Son. It’s communion with God, Creator of the Universe-- fully available to all people. Yet so often, prayer is neglected. Prayer is put on the back burner. Prayer is for when we become desperate, or for when we grab a few seconds before a planned meal.

Yet prayer can be so dynamic! It can be so energizing, so intense, so wonderful, so intimate. Prayer warriors believe in its power and authenticity. For one’s prayer life is an indication of one’s spiritual health. And one cannot be a warrior of any kind if they are weak, or lethargic, or drained, or unhealthy.

Prayer can do mighty things-if we just believe in it; if we truly have faith enough to believe God hears, and answers our prayers. Yes; we need warriors who have (or make! ) time to pray, realizing that prayer is indeed essential for spiritual vitality.

PRAYER WARRIOR-One who is Totally Engaged.

One who prays intently, yet at the same time is disengaged from the mission, almost seems like an oxymoron. Even if they are only partially engaged-- it just doesn’t really jive. The word warrior implies passion, focus, determination. It means their heart  is totally there. They believe fervently in what they’re doing-reaching out to others, all in the name of Christ.

Hopefully, even in our complex postmodern culture, Christians have a specific time when they pray each day. For some, it might be out of habit; sometimes out of “obligation” or duty. However, one who is engaged-totally-is one who persistently desires to commune with God. And they are “present” in that communion, just as you know when someone is focused in a conversation with you (or is not).

God needs people who will pray, with intention and purpose. That’s what prayer warriors do, out of love for God and for His people.

PRAYER WARRIOR-One who is Infectious in their Faith.

Have you ever heard someone laugh, and their laugh is infectious? Lifting spirits? Bringing much joy? Similarly, those who believe in the power of prayer, and are totally engaged in prayer, believe by faith that things are going to happen, as a result of their prayers. Great things! Miraculous things! And if they believe it, before long, others soon catch on-and those involved also have their faith strengthened.

It’s not all “pie in the sky” kind of prayers that are offered. These are dynamic prayers, offered by prayer warriors-ordinary people, just like you and me- people who truly believe God is going to answer their prayers. And when prayers are answered, by faith, there is excitement; a confirmation, which then becomes infectious. For it makes people want to pray even more!

PRAYER WARRIOR - One who claims Victory in Jesus.

Prayers are not always answered in the way we think they should be answered. But prayer warriors believe that there will be ultimate victory, no matter what results from the prayers being offered. It might not be victory the way we think victory should look like. Yet the ones offering prayer trust that victory indeed is in Jesus-for He sees beginning to end. He knows what’s best. He sees the big picture.

Jesus is the Victor. Eternal life is in Him. He holds the keys to life and death. He is the Way, the Truth, the Life. It’s all about having absolute confidence in the Almighty.

Prayer Warriors.

Yes, in this day and age, in our postmodern culture, prayer warriors are definitely  needed-- no question. To fight for justice; to combat prejudices ; to reach out unconditionally to the marginalized; to be advocates for peace. We need these men and women of God in our corps, in our churches, in our social service centres. We need people of prayer-- leaders, who are willing to answer the call of God upon their lives to be Salvation Army officers in this Territory.

Are you willing to listen to His voice? Are you up for this awesome challenge?

Prayer Warriors.

Answer the call-in whatever way God is calling you today.

Holt Renfrew is a rather large and exclusive woman’s clothing store in Toronto. It recently ran an add in the Toronto Daily Star newspaper which read:

It’s not a Sale.
It’s a Calling…

“Called”-to buy rather expensive clothes. An interesting marketing strategy, I suppose. The inference blends in with the postmodern culture of today. But I’m not sure about the implications.

Many churches today also seem to be striving to sell their product, striving to meet the assumed needs of today. But again, what are the assumptions and ramifications of the end product? Only time will tell.

When it comes to the idea of future leadership within The Salvation Army, and Officership in particular, it would not be productive to try and “sell” it-to lure in people for the sake of numbers. Nor do we need people who will simply give it a try, for the short-term. Officership is not a sale item as such.

What then is needed? What are the essential requirements for this demanding and specialized vocation within the Army?

The Army needs people in leadership who are CALLED. Yes, we are all called to be followers of Christ, and to do his will for our lives. Specifically, however, God calls certain people He wants and needs to be Salvation Army officers. And it is only God who does the calling. People can challenge others; people can encourage those with certain potential. But the actual calling of God upon the individual is crucial. This calling is then confirmed not only within oneself, but by the local congregation, as well as mentors and others in leadership positions.

The Army needs people who are COMMITTED. This is not a popular word in society today. There are so many options out there; and our culture seems to say that expanding oneself and trying different things is what brings both variety and vitality to life. Although the Army doesn’t want people who are stagnant, or resistant to change, it does need people who are totally committed to the cause of Christ and salvation. People who have a covenant relationship with God, and also with The Salvation Army. It’s for the long-term.

The Army needs people who are CONCERNED. People are dying all around us. Dying physically; but also dying spiritually. The compassionate heart wants to reach out with a concern that matches the heart of Christ. Not to live a comfortable, predictable life-style, but to be willing to get dirty and be ready for anything; to reach into the rough areas of society; to care, and to love-with a deep concern that is beyond ourselves. To weep with those who need our arms of love around them. To walk the talk-in all areas of our lives.

The Army needs people who are CONNECTED. We can’t do ministry on our own. The whole idea of community and togetherness is crucial. It’s the incarnational life-style and mentality that’s not only wanted, but needed. Leaders of today cannot work in isolation. We need to break down any thoughts of egotism or power, and link with others-in order that we can impact our depraved and impoverished world and communities in which we live.

The Army needs people who are CONVICTED. What is the purpose for our existence? God wants certain people to be officers. These same people need to feel convicted in their inmost being that this is God’s desire for them. To realize that people are dying, daily, because they do not know Christ. Thus, the conviction must be there that Jesus can change lives-and that He can use His people to reach out to those who are in such desperate need. It is, no question, a life of sacrifice, and service-and all for Him.

It’s an awesome thing-- this vocation called Officership. It’s demanding. It’s all-encompassing. It’s sacrificial. It’s sacred. But if this is what God wants for someone’s life, and that person responds to His desire and will for them, it will bring ultimate peace and a deep sense of obedience.

Could it be that God is speaking to you? Could it be that God, in fact, wants you to consider His will for your life, which indeed IS Officership? Pray about it. Ask others to pray about it on your behalf. And if is real, and you sense God is in this, don’t ignore it. But take it as an honour that He has chosen you for this awesome task. Remember, just as God spoke to people throughout The Bible to do certain tasks, and to give their lives for His sake, He will be with you-and will never let you go. After all,

It’s a Calling…

And when He calls, He equips those who respond to Him. Are you willing to submit, in humility, to His will? Once you do--whether it is Officership, or something else God has in store for you-- you’ll never regret it!