The measure of any society is how well it cares for its weakest citizens. The persistence both of widespread poverty and indifference to that poverty in Canada and Bermuda is morally unacceptable. Jesus Christ motivates us to love our neighbour in practical ways. Our response to the poor is a measure of our obedience to and love for God.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ should free us from the enticements of consumerism and desire for individualistic gain. As Salvationists, we remain committed to The Salvation Army’s historic mission to care for the poor and marginalized. Therefore, individually and corporately, we will work to eliminate poverty by:
- Providing empowering practical assistance to people who are poor-both in our personal, family and vocational lives and in our congregational and organizational practices-through prayer, listening and dedication of our time and resources.
- Making relational and financial choices that promote economic opportunity and justice for those in poverty.
- Evaluating public policies by how they respond to people who are poor.
- Challenging racism and other attitudes that promote inequality and seeking reconciliation among all groups in our society.
- Building community capacity, nurturing the bonds of family and community, and protecting the dignity of each person.
- Partnering with other denominations and agencies in common commitment and action to overcome poverty in our own communities, our nation and our world.
The Salvation Army, Canada & Bermuda, 2001
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