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"God spoke to Moses from the burning bush. He told Moses
to take off his shoes, for the ground he was standing on was
Holy. Could this be your calling also, to full time ministry - as
an officer in The Salvation Army?"
English & French poster for 2009!
Click here to download the English poster in a JPEG file.
Click here to download the French poster in a JPEG file.

So you want to be an officer?
Click here for a downloadable brochure that contains information regarding the Candidate process
Candidates presently accepted for the 2008-2010 "Prayer Warriors" session:
BLINDENBACH, Kathy & Philip, New Westminister, British Columbia Division
BUTLER, Lorri-Anne, Hope Community, Ontario Central East Division
HAAS, Brent, La Scie, Newfoundland & Labrador West Division
RYAN, Melissa, La Scie, Newfoundland & Labrador West Division
ARKELL, Jeff & Graciela (Gabriela & Joshua) Orillia Citadel, Ontario North Division
BOND, David & Nyree (Nathan, Brandon, Dawson) Oshawa Temple, Ontario Central-East Division
ELSASSER, Kevin & Michelle (Jenna, Caleb) Berkshire Citadel Community Church, Prairie Division
KNIGHT, Wayne & Elizabeth, North Street Citadel, Bermuda Division
PARDY, Andre (Single Spouse) (Shirleah, Nichola)(wife-Linda), Berkshire Citadel Community Church, Prairie Division
CAMPBELL, Larry & Rose, Yarmouth Community Church, Maritime Division
GRAY, Kristen (Joshua), Erin Mills, Ontario Central-East Division
REID, Fred & Carolyn, St. John's Citadel, Newfoundland & Labrador East Division