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Traveling Soup Service in Bermuda

Wed 26th Apr 2006 Add comment

bowlofsoup.jpgOn February 2, 2006, the inaugural run of the traveling Soup Service in the West End of the island of Bermuda started.

We did our homework by scouting out our region which stretches from White Hill Citadel to Dockyard (an area approximately 5 square miles). It is highly concentrated for an island that is 26 square miles and is populated by approximately 9,000 people.

After prayer and setting up the soup in our coffee hopper, we set off in the officer's minivan (Bermuda style). Our first stop was Dockyard. We found no one and checked with area security guards to see if any people could use a cup of soup on this cold and damp night. They said there were none, so we continued to a remote area which was up a dead end road. At the end of the tree-covered road there are two abandoned houses. We called out in the pitch black night for anyone to answer our call. It was a high possibility that we would receive an answer because citizens are being forced into these living conditions because of high rents. Just recently, a number of families were discovered in the East End of the Island in an abandoned hotel.

As well as feeding the hungry and comforting the lost, our goal is to create and maintain relationships within our community. This includes serving our public services workers at the police station and the fire station. At the bottom of Beacon Hill, the Somerset Police station employs individuals that 'protect and serve.' The fire station and its public servants also 'protect and serve.' Along with the police and fire stations, The West End Community Church of The Salvation Army is in the neighbourhood to 'protect and serve.' The only differences are that we come with a cup of soup in the name of the greatest servant; Jesus Christ and we also come to implant a fire and not to put fires out. Our mission is to seek and save the lost.

We see the power of God working. Through a cup of soup two of our community homeless people came to church on February 12, 2006. Both took baths in the ocean before coming to church, which indicates there is still some sense of pride within them. It is a cup of soup that shows care and it is the revelation of the Christ of Calvary that reveals love to them.

A Cup of Soup
1 cup of soup quiets a mans hunger pains
5 cups of soup piques his curiosity
10 cups of soup quiets his mind
20+ cups of soups prepares the garden of his soul

1 John 3:17 But if someone who is supposed to be a Christian has money enough to live well, and sees a brother in need, and won't help him--how can God's love be within him ? 1 John 3:18 Little children, let us stop just saying we love people; let us really love them, and show it by our actions. 1 John 3:19 Then we will know for sure, by our actions, that we are on God's side, and our consciences will be clear, even when we stand before the Lord.

'And they will know we are Christians, by our Love!'
by Patrick Bulloch

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