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The Winning Goal

Fri 10th Aug 2007 Add comment

georgetownballhockeydsc0265.jpgIn Georgetown, hockey is a major part of many families' lives. For the last nine years, children ages 6-13 have been filling the parking lot at Georgetown Community Church, playing for the opportunity to score that winning goal. For two hours on Tuesday evenings from April to June, families come together at the church to cheer each other on. What sometimes looks like chaos is, in fact, a well-oiled operation. On any given night there are upwards of 110 players, plus family members and 25-30 volunteers who set up, tear down, coach, referee, keep time, keep score, run the barbecue and mingle with parents.

Things aren’t always perfect but opportunities are present to build and nurture relationships. Playing in a relatively non-competitive environment allows kids to relax and perhaps enjoy themselves. Parents can interact with each other, free from the competitive atmosphere of the “rink.” All of this builds a better community.

Offering a ball hockey league is just the beginning.The ultimate goal is to see lives transformed by Christ. This doesn’t always happen right away. People need to feel comfortable, that they belong and are truly cared for. This happens over time through intentional efforts. At the end of the season we survey the parents to see what can be improved and to collect contact information to keep them informed of future events such as VBS or sports days.

1 Peter 4:10 tells us: “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” At the end of the day, when the last shot is taken and the last hamburger served, this is what matters: that God’s gifts were used to glorify His name. At Georgetown Community Church, we are blessed with individuals who thrive and excel at serving others. Our ball hockey season is simply an avenue for them to express this. Whatever gifts God has given you, use them and He will more than match the energy you spend.

by Captain Michael Simpson, Georgetown Community Church, Ontario Great Lakes Division

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