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New Game Plan for Sports Ministry

Thu 15th Feb 2007 Add comment

new-game.jpgAs Jack O’Halloran explains, organized sports is a creative way to deliver the gospel message.

Sports ministry is not new to the global Christian community, and many parts of the Salvation Army world are well advanced in outreach and evangelism through sporting activities. In September 2006, this was formalized by the establishment of a sports ministry desk with the program resources department at international headquarters.

The possibilities for reaching out evangelistically through sports ministry, as well as enhancing and developing character-building programs already in place, are limited only by the imagination and vision of individual Salvationists. Opportunities for outreach include activities as broad as the Olympic Games and FIFA World Cup, as well as more localized sporting events.

In the Canada and Bermuda Territory, one division has already taken the initiative of appointing a sports ministry co-ordinator. Jack O’Halloran, a Christian with a background in amateur and professional sports, is responsible for this program in the British Columbia Division and is also co-ordinating the Army’s involvement in the 2010 Winter Olympics. Recently, members of the editorial department had opportunity to dialogue with Jack about his ministry. Here are some of his comments:

“Prior to starting with The Salvation Army in British Columbia I owned and operated Head2Head Goaltending School. In a nutshell, I worked with hockey goaltenders from a youth level right up to the professionals. Some of my graduates are now playing minor hockey in various leagues throughout North America.

“About three years ago I began sharing my faith with my students. Then in 2005 I took on the position of camp director at summer hockey school for Hockey Ministries International. My whole life was sports, and now I was adding in ministry as well. Just when I thought things couldn’t get any better, I saw an advertisement for Salvation Army sports ministry/Olympic outreach co-ordinator. For me, it was a job only God himself could create. On July 4, 2005, I started with The Salvation Army down a new road of sports ministry-a road that I will stay on for as long as God wants me.”

Jack envisions the day when sports ministry co-ordinators like himself will be appointed in other regions of the Canada and Bermuda Territory. In the meantime, though based in Vancouver, he is happy to make his services available to others as a consultant or camp facilitator. He comments, “My ambition is to reach young people and adults for Jesus Christ through the world of sports. Sports camps have unlimited potential. Generation gaps are non-existent. Sports ministry is relational and relevant. It’s a creative and innovative way to deliver the gospel message.”

Contact Jack by writing him at Jack_O’ Or call him at 604-299-3908, ext. 236. He’ll be glad to hear from you.

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