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Do you believe that the economic situation will worsen or improve in 2009?


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Thu 14th Jun 2007 Add comment

The SAROOTS weekend is fast approaching and will be held on Friday June 29 to Sunday July 1 at Jacksons Point. Attached is the  Discovery Seminar schedule.

There is no booking fee for the SAROOTS event. Day visitors are welcome. If you require meals and accommodation these can be booked via email at or through Major Tracey Tidd at THQ.

More information about the SAROOTS event schedule is at

Discovery : venues various
Saturday & Sunday 11am - 12.30pm
Seminars with a range of presenters and topics.

Discovery Saturday 

Doug Binner            Reaching OthersThrough Partnerships    Georgina
All of us are busy doing our own thing in ministry, and most of us are doing it well. Unfortunately most of us are not aware that there are others doing ministry well right alongside us.  This has been referred to as "silos in ministry". Some Salvation Army ministry units have realized the enormous potential of tearing down silos and building bridges in ministry.  They have learned how to minister effectively in interdependent relationships that are linked and that have become very effective for the Army and fruitful for the Kingdom.  This session will strive to help you recognize and break out of any silos that might have been erected around your ministry.

Geoff Ryan            Creating a Church for Others
Club Freshie

When only 1% of churches in North America are specifically focused on reaching "people not like themselves", how does one go about creating a church specifically for others? This seminar will consider ideas from a number of creative new initiatives from urban settings and ethnically diverse neighbourhoods, as well as inter-denominational projects. Participants and presenters include leaders from the 614 network in Toronto.

Vishal & Rafiqua Masih    Curry Chicken Soup for the Soul,                                           Anyone?
Tree House

An insight on church planting among the South Asian community. What's it like having nations from all four corners of the world right in your own backyard? How are these people being reached for Christ, and what are the challenges and sacrifices involved? What’s it like for us, as South Asian Christians, being a minority within a minority?

Kim Begg            Prayer Labyrinth with a Focus on Others
The Hut             Prayer Venue Activity

Discovery Sunday

Curtis Cartmell        Success in The Salvation Army:
Georgina            A Choice between Entrenchment or                                               Effectiveness

The Salvation Army uses a long-term, location-based philosophy of ministry.  Is this effective or a misguided attempt to solve our lack of tangible "victories" in Canada?  Is the Army entrenched and can entrenchment as a methodology really be considered successful... or is there a need for widespread strategic redeployment?  In this session we will re-evaluate "success" in our current contexts by examining the pattern of momentum necessary to win the battle with examples from the Old and New Testaments as well as recent political conquests from WWII.

Jason Pope             Claustrophobia: Issues in Immigration
Club Freshie

Immigration and globalization have caused a reverse missionary process.  Stand still and you will be enveloped by a new people group.  This can leave some claustrophobic or territorial over what they consider to be “their” space.  We will explore contemporary issues in immigration, the Bible and each other’s ideas on how to learn and grow through this process.

Rachele Lamont      Sexual Trafficking and Exploitation 101     Tree House
Prostitution.  Sexual Trafficking.  You see it... hear about it... but do you know about it?  This session will give people attending a basic understanding of what sexual trafficking and exploitation is while providing opportunities for discussion on some of the underlying issues and challenges The Salvation Army and the government of Canada are facing.

Kim Begg            Seeing Ourselves in Others
The Hut             Prayer Venue Activity 

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