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Cadet Lieutenant training

Wed 21st Feb 2007 Add comment

In September 2006, the Chief Secretary, on behalf of The Territorial Commander, announced plans to introduce a Cadet Lieutenant program within the Canada and Bermuda Territory with a commencement date of January 2007. I am pleased to inform you that a comprehensive proposal for the training of individuals who qualify has been submitted by staff of the College for Officer Training. We are grateful to all of the CFOT staff, including Majors Wendy and Ian Swan, for their role in this project. The plan has been reviewed and accepted by the Territorial Commander. Staff of the CFOT are now prepared to implement the plan.

Program Justification
Serving within the Canada and Bermuda Territory we have a cohort of Lieutenants who, due to their maturity, passion, and desire have been assigned to care for and direct a ministry unit. They have already completed one term of service with support from Leadership to serve a second term.

These individuals have exceeded the age restrictions of the Territory for entrance to the College for Officer Training. The program is designed with the needs of this existing cohort in mind but attempts to provide a framework which may be utilized for training in the future should the need arise.

Program goals and outcomes have been established and will provide:-

  • • a training and education experience which will enable and empower individuals who presently carry ministry responsibilities to better equip themselves to address the needs of their people, their community and their appointments.

  • • an experience with a mixed mode delivery structure which allows for the continuance of ministry while building professional, personal and spiritual capacities.

  • • a review and assessment mechanism which recognizes the existing competencies measured against a leadership template so that a tailored program may be provided for each individual which addresses their particular profile while effectively and efficiently
    utilizing training and educational resources.

Program Components & Benefits
-Includes the incorporation of key officer core competency requirements (pastoral care, biblical knowledge, business & human resource management). It reflects the accredited components of the pre-2002 training template. (If these persons had entered training college prior to their 50th birthday they would have experienced a program similar to this one.)

-Represents a mixed model of ten (10) components of which five are residential intensives in Winnipeg, three are Distance Education and two are on-site in ministry appointments with DHQ/CFOT partnership participation.

Ministry Units
-Is manageable with a full-time ministry appointment over a three (3) year period. Training time may be less depending on the results of Prior Learning Assessment.

Long Term Viability
- Provides an accredited path for those who are able or who wish to pursue a degree program with Booth College. It also requires direct participation and involvement of Divisional staff in the training of Cadet Lieutenants in divisions.

- Costs of the program and lieutenants’ participation will be covered under the CFOT budget.

Program Implementation

Major Cathie Harris (Rtd), as CFOT designated officer, will take the lead for the implementation of this program. She will be in direct contact with each divisional team and individual Lieutenant to apprise of the next steps involved.

Appreciation is expressed to all who have contributed concepts, ideas and suggestions over the last several years leading to the creation of this plan. We pray that God will bless the first cohort of Cadet Lieutenants.


Jean Moulton (Major)

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