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Storm scams

Thu 11th Jan 2007 Add comment

bcstorms19736312thb.jpgThe recent series of storms hitting B.C. has prompted the Better Business Bureau to offer the following tips to homeowners who suffer property damage:1. Check with your insurance company about policy coverage and specific filing requirements. Save all receipts, including those for food, temporary lodging, or other expenses that may be covered under your policy.

2. Although you may be anxious to get things cleaned up, avoid letting your emotions get the better of you. Don’t be pressured into making an immediate decision with a long-term impact. Make temporary repairs if necessary.

3. For major permanent repairs, take time to shop around for contractors, get at least three competitive bids, check out references (of at least a year old) and contact the Better Business Bureau for a report on the business.

4. Be wary of door-to-door workers who claim to have leftover repair materials from a job “down the street” or who do not have a permanent place of business.

5. Be leery if a worker shows up on your doorstep to announce that your home is unsafe.

6. Prepare a written contract agreement with anyone you hire. It should specify the work to be done, the materials to be used, and the price breakdown for both labour and materials. Review it carefully before signing.

7. Any promises made orally should he written into the contract, including warranties on materials or labour.

8. Never pay for all repairs in advance, and do not pay cash.

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