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Convocation on higher education and leadership

Fri 6th Oct 2006 Add comment

convocation-on-higher-educa.jpgThe Canada and Bermuda Territory hosted the Convocation on Higher Education and Leadership in Winnipeg from September 28 to 30. Thirty-five delegates from ten territories plus International Headquarters attended. The convocation was a conversation designed to bring us out of our silos of territorial interest, and discover if there are new and more collaborative ways of working to promote higher education as critical to the leadership development of the Army.

Ministry today and in the future calls for us to non-competitively work to widen the depth and diversity of skills necessary in an increasingly complex world. At the same time recognize the central value of committed and competent generalists or fine corps officers.

In 1903 William Booth had the vision of a world university for the humanities in The Salvation Army. Delegates pondered the question if the time has now come to put the energy and thought to intentionally give shape to that vision.

Papers given for discussion included stating where we are now in post secondary education and what the need is. Speakers passionately argued for the need of spirit-filled and competent pastors as central to the ongoing ministry of the Army; to the need of social service and business specialists, without which we are in danger of a significant mission drift that is not healthy; and the need for people who are culturally responsive in ministry to be effective in today’s diverse world.

They looked at the salvationist mind that has not always valued higher education which may have negative implications for our future. The essence and form of officer education was a reference point in the discussion. Clearly we need to understand the essence of who we are and what has God called us to, which should then determine effective forms for expressing that mission.

The form could change from culture to culture and age to age, but the essence is constant. Education at all levels is required to communicate these truths to all constituents. The possibility of distance education was acknowledged as primary to aid to bring the concept to reality today. The delegates acknowledged that all territories and regions would need to contribute and shape its future. It could not be discovered in a few locations and then imported to others. Participation by all is essential.

And finally the group looked at possible options for the future, how those options may be explored for continuous progress to a desired outcome and better equipped leaders to move God’s mission for The Salvation Army into a complex future.

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