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Winds of Hope Blow Through Montreal

Tue 10th Apr 2007 Add comment

winds-of-hope.jpgMontreal is a city-paradox. It is one of the most postmodern, post-Christian cities in North America, yet many of its landmarks, street names and historic sites are named for Christian saints. With a view to creating an effective and alternative approach to building bridges to a post-Christian city, The Salvation Army has approved the launching of a new adventure in mission called Winds of Hope.

We have been operating since January 2006, meeting regularly to share coffee and spiritual fellowship. Sometimes our spiritual family refers to our gathering as the Church of “St.-Arbucks.” We don’t have a building that we call our own, but choose to follow the “simple church” pattern. Some call them house churches or organic churches. The reality is that they are rapidly multiplying, simple communities of believers, meeting in homes, offices, campuses, wherever God is moving. It’s a pattern common to many parts of the globe, and is now becoming more and more common in North America as well. Where two or more are gathered in his name, there is church.

Our core values are: Going, Giving, Loving and Living. We go to the world, rather than waiting for it to come to us. We come together where the unchurched gather-in coffee bars, shopping centres, office buildings, living rooms. We give of ourselves through our money, resources and time. Where there is need, we’re there.

Winds of Hope is a caring family, where there’s always room for one more. We love one another, care for one another, confess to one another, eat with one another, laugh with one another, cry with one another, bless one another, listen to one another, teach and encourage one another.

We are on an adventure with God. We have no idea what Winds of Hope will become, but we’re listening attentively to his voice as we seek to be a prophetic voice and a listening ear, extending the hands of God’s presence into a world of darkness. Read more about our ministry through my blog at

by Major David McCann
Winds of Hope Ministries, Montreal

(pictured are Daniel and Julie, members of Winds of Hope, enjoying a moment at the Chruch of "St.-Arbucks")

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