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Penny's from Heaven

Wed 14th Jun 2006 Add comment


FOR YEARS Derek Sullivan didn't know he had a sister. But within weeks of finding Captain Penny Sullivan he was not only enjoying his new-found family, but also had discovered a personal faith in Christ.

Penny first discovered she had a brother when she was 12 years old and often wandered the streets of her native Hayle, United Kingdom, trying to find him. After more formal inquiries, she read Ecclesiastes 3:6 and was persuaded that it was time to abandon the search.

In March 2006, Penny led worship at Hayle Methodist church and was approached after the service by Isabella Oliver, who had noticed a striking resemblance between Penny and her husband Jim's long-time friend Derek. Isabella mentioned this to Penny and Penny shared the story of her search for her brother.

With Isabella and Jim's help, the wheels were set in motion for Penny and Derek to meet, though Derek hadn't known he was adopted. Looking for reliable advice on what her next move should be, Penny contacted the Family Tracing Service.

The team helped Penny request a copy of Derek's birth certificate. 'We also advised caution,' Mike (family tracing director) explains, 'as we didn't think the certificate would arrive before the scheduled first meeting. There are a lot of people who look like someone we know and we didn't want Penny to be disappointed.'

On the day of the meeting, Penny receivedthe confirmation she needed that Derek was her brother, and a friend accompanied her to Isabella and Jim's home for an emotional first meeting.

During May's Bank Holiday weekend Derek and his wife Susan spent time with Penny and some friends. 'We went for a walk and Derek and Susan asked me questions about God,' Penny explains. Derek told his sister: 'We want God in our lives like you've got God in your life,' and when they returned to the house, Penny asked her friend to lead them to Christ 'I was too emotional to do it myself,' Penny admits. 'I just strongly believe that God brought us back together now so Derek and Susan could come to faith.

Says Mike: 'I've been encouraged in the follow-up conversations I've had with Penny and am thrilled that she's met the brother she had been trying to find for so long.'

Reprinted with permission from Salvationist, United Kingdom 20 May 2006.

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