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Let's Get Together

Living the vibrant life at Booth College

Thu 23rd Oct 2008 Add comment
One of my favourite things about Booth College is the close-knit community. Class sizes are small, which means that you will be able to ask the questions that you need to ask. It also means that if you need some extra help in the class, no problem. The professor doesn’t have a hundred other students lined up to talk to. The biggest perk in the classroom is that the professors get to know you by name (though some may take longer than others), and that puts schooling on a more personal level. Hey, you might even pick up a nickname or two if you’re lucky!

Another way to enjoy the community here at Booth is by joining one of the many clubs that are available for students to get involved in. I know that the literary club has started to read their first novel and film night is coming up pretty soon. These are some places to get involved in good discussions and have some fun with your fellow students. I do believe that the women’s volleyball season has started and they’ve been playing some games already─go team! I also heard that the drama team is starting up; I should probably look into that...

I find that Booth is a really great place to make friends. A little while ago a bunch of us celebrated a friend’s birthday by heading down to a restaurant and then coming back to the college to eat her doughnut-cake and hang out. It was a great time to talk to friends and get to know our new classmates better. It was an all around great time. The boys that live in residence here at Booth have even formed their own sort of fraternity and they throw a big party each semester. In fact, the first one is coming up this week! Those are always a good time to connect with fellow students outside of a classroom setting and just get to know them better on a personal level; plus, they’re always a riot!

One thing that I love to do is talk, and the college is a really great place to fall into deep conversations. Most of the people at Booth are so willing to chat or get into deep discussions about faith, life, and everything in between. Just the other day a friend and I got into a long talk about beliefs and the stigma that is attached to religion and many other things. It was really enjoyable, and even though we didn’t see exactly eye to eye on everything, it was really interesting to hear her point of view on the topic. Community is just awesome.

Michelle Robert is a second-year student at Booth College in Winnipeg. She is studying social work and hopes to spend her life helping others. In addition to spending time with family and friends, she enjoys knitting, reading and playing with her dog.

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