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Personnel Services Announcement

Fri 7th Sep 2007 Add comment

IHQ has given approval for  personnel services to institute a department to be known as the "Officer Personnel Department".  This department will stand alongside the Leadership Development Department,  Pastoral Services Department and the Employee Relations Section.

It will administer all of the officer services other than pastoral care and leadership development, including services to retired officers, pensions and benefits, records, candidates, overseas personnel, abuse advisor, volunteers, officer appraisals etc.  Major Douglas Hefford is named as Officer Personnel Secretary and as such will be the designated department head.

Major Mona Moore has undertaken advanced studies at the request of the Territory to prepare herself for future service.  She will continue to be a leader in the Officer Personnel Department and will work alongside Major Hefford, continuing in her responsibilities for several sections of the newly named department.

For your information.

Jean Moulton

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