The following pictures display highlights in 2006 from the Ottawa Citadel corps:
A new flag was dedicated and donated by CSM Linda Colwell in memory of her parents, George and Hilda Colwell. From left: Jim Ferguson, ACSM and Mjr Kathryn Trim, CO
Erica van Gulik was awarded the annual John Nixon Music Scholarship for the 2006 Territorial School of Music and Gospel Arts. From left: Jessica Ferguson, deputy YP bandmaster; Martyn Hodgson, YP bandmaster; Erica van Gulik; Peter van Gulik, bandmaster and Mjr Kathryn Trim, CO
The Home League ladies, led by Marlene Hope (missing from photo) enjoyed a year of programming ranging from Christmas dinner with all the trimmings to afternoon tea on the lawn of Billings Estate
Dedication of Joseph Makela-ma-nseki. From left: Mjr Kathryn Trim, CO (holding Joseph); his mother, Antoinette; family members and Joanne van Gulik, YPSM