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Parliament promises to reopen marriage debate

Thu 16th Nov 2006 2 comments

marriage.jpgOttawa - On November 9, Bruce J. Clemenger, president of The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, joined Most Rev. Marcel Gervais, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Ottawa, Very Reverend John Jillions, Dean Annunciation Orthodox Cathedral (Ottawa), Orthodox Church of America, and Rev. Ken Bellous, executive minister of the Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec, in an historic presentation to MPs of a joint Declaration on Marriage(French version), signed by over 40 denominational and religious leaders.
“As different faith communities, we came together to present to Parliament and society as a whole, our common view on marriage,” said Clemenger. “The Prime Minister, by promising to hold a vote to re-open the debate on marriage, is giving Canadians an opportunity to have sober, second-thoughts on this issue. As communities of faith, we would welcome an opportunity to participate in reasoned and constructive public dialogue concerning the nature of marriage.”

Gervais repeated what is essential for the participating faith groups. “Our appeal is that law and public policy recognize the essential and unique importance of marriage as the union of one man and one woman for the security, nurturing and well-being of children. As religious leaders from diverse faith communities, we find common ground in affirming that the best interests of the child must prevail over adults’ exercise of their liberty.”

“This Declaration on Marriage is consistent with thousands of years of reflection and practice,” stated Bellous. “We seek justice for all while valuing the importance of marriage.”

The Declaration on Marriage is intended to give guidance to Parliamentarians and to members of society as Canadians continue to debate this important issue.

The signatories represent a broad spectrum of the faith communities from across Canada. And denominational and religious leaders are continuing to sign the document (additional signatories will be available in the web version of this release). “Today, several others have asked to be included,” said Clemenger. “I don’t recall a time when such a broad spectrum of denominational and religious leaders have signed a common declaration such as this. It is very encouraging.”

There are reports that the vote on the motion to reopen the marriage debate could happen as early as December.

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Two Responses

  1. Comment from John Stephenson, Thu 16th Nov 2006 12:18pm

    And I hope that we,The Salvation Army, takes the same strong stand and signs the declaration. It is time for us as Christians to stop being as silent as we have been and become the salt we are supposed to be. The sanctity of marriage is very important and we must let this be heard. Same Sex marriage needs to be pointed out as abnormal and to the Christian, Jew and Muslim is sin.

    Satan seems to have held sway within our former government for this to have been allowed to happen . We need to be in th forefront of fighting Satan's influence.

  2. Comment from Editorial, Wed 22nd Nov 2006 4:41pm

    The Salvation Army administration is in agreement with the proposed document.