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Administrative Restructuring Update

Thu 28th Sep 2006 7 comments

I am writing further to my letter of May 29 regarding the review of administrative structure. This letter was sent to all divisional commanders and department heads and was posted on

The report outlined the nature of the new administrative structure which we were preparing, namely:
1. a structure which responds positively to ministry unit needs;
2. a structure which is seamless and eliminates duplication to the extent possible;
3. a cost effective administrative structure in order to release resources for ministry growth;
4. a structure which would help ministry units live out the vision and core values of The Salvation Army in Canada and Bermuda.

This approach to mission support would be more participative than proscriptive with a focus on coaching and mentoring and working from solid and identifiable mission goals for ministry units.

In my letter of May 29, we indicated that the input of the November, 2005 symposium (the 250 Salvationists who attended 19 focus groups across the territory and 240 Salvationists surveyed in a questionnaire) had been considered by the territorial leaders’ conference. We also indicated that proposals outlined in the May 29 letter would be taken back to the focus groups which had met across the country. This was done during June and July.

In August I met with the General and the Chief of the Staff. That meeting outlined the nature of structure for leading mission which we foresaw. At their request, I submitted an outline for consideration by the appropriate councils at International Headquarters.

Once we have a response from IHQ we will work together to prepare the detailed roadmap for the implementation of this new mission support structure in an orderly fashion.

This update will be posted on We will keep you informed as matters progress.


M. Christine MacMillan
Territorial Commander

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7 Responses

  1. Comment from Brian Fuller, Fri 29th Sep 2006 9:40am

    Why so secretive about the proposed changes? There are all kinds of rumours floating around. Why not just come out and tell us what the proposed changes are?

  2. Comment from Jim Champ, Fri 29th Sep 2006 3:49pm

    The restructuring process has involved more than 400 salvationists including officers, local officers and soldiery. The proposed changes to our present structure have been shared in concept form and discussed with many of the same salvationists who provided input in the survey and focus groups.

    As you can see, the process has endeavoured to be anything but secretive. Pending response from IHQ more details will be worked out and communicated to the territory.

  3. Comment from Robert Sessford, Mon 2nd Oct 2006 4:08pm

    I agree with Brian. Sharing "concept form"is not the same as sharing details. For example: Telling an officer his next appointment, in concept form, will be challenging and fulfilling, working with people - is NOT the same as sharing in detail ie: is his next appointment working with a congregation, in public relations, or administrative? I provided input, but have not had ANY discussion with THQ in return. THQ may have endeavored to be anything BUT secretive, but they need more practice. When IHQ gives the nod, I hope we receive not MORE, but SOME details. Up to now, we have received NOT details, but CONCEPTS. So no more spin please, and don't send me an email announcing updates unless there are details to go with it. Thanks.

  4. Comment from Colin Bain, Mon 2nd Oct 2006 5:42pm

    While I would agree that the proposed changes have been presented to some of those who were privileged to be a part of the focus groups, the proposed changes do affect all salvationists. Given that communication is tricky at best, the changes presented may have undergone all kinds of interpretation. There is indeed some apprehension about what is coming down and it may be a good idea to present all of the changes proposed to those affected. And so there is indeed an air of secrecy.

  5. Comment from Ray Moulton (Editor-in-Chief), Tue 3rd Oct 2006 11:27am

    I appreciate the desire for more concrete information on restructuring. The reality at this point is that what is known is concepts, not a proposed structure. We have asked IHQ to respond to the concepts, and based on their reply the structure will be worked out.

    Restructuring is not an exercise in simply moving chairs and offices, it is much more defining the role and functions of administration to meet the needs of the field as described by the various surveys and focus groups. We are first defining the essence, later the form.

  6. Comment from Rob Kerr, Tue 3rd Oct 2006 2:24pm

    There are many times when I think that communication falls short within our organization, but I don't think this is one of those times. We have to remember, that there are employees whose livelihoods may be affected by this restructuring. Perhaps it is best not to release information that may never come to be, we are all well aware of how things can change throughout a process like this. Why cause undue stress? Let the process take its due course and let the decisions be announced when they are concrete.

  7. Comment from Colin Bain, Wed 18th Oct 2006 2:08pm

    From my experience of life, I find the lack of specific information the worst kind of stress. The is fear in teh unknown. There is at least a choice in reaction if you know what is coming. The longer a person has to process changes the better motivated, whether office, employee or volunteer
    Most folks want to work, serve where they know what is going on.