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Salvation Army camping ministries in Ontario

Thu 15th Mar 2007 1 comment

camping.jpgAs Divisional Leaders in Ontario we write to acquaint and update you with the ongoing process of review for Salvation Army camping ministries in the province.

Permit us to summarize as follows:

• A territorial camping task force was established by the territorial commander in 2002, with a report issued in May 2003. This report contained a number of recommendations - one in particular was relevant:

Recommendation # 5
In pursuit of the most effective accomplishment of the mission of The Salvation Army through camping, the Territorial Camp Ministry Task Force recommends that Regional Divisional Leaders' Councils evaluate camping from a regional perspective. Factors for consideration should include:
- The number of camps within a region
- Inter-divisional utilization of camps including shared resources
- Program specific camps (eg. regional music camps)

• Recommendation #5 became an agenda item for the Ontario Divisional Leaders' Council and subsequently included the Province of Quebec.

• The territorial camping task force report was tabled at the divisional executive board at each divisional headquarters. These executive boards looked for input from the officer and lay Salvationist members of their divisional camp boards.

• A study committee comprised of lay Salvationists and Officers from all Ontario divisions and an external camping professional was convened to thoroughly explore all the ramifications of regionalizing camping ministries in the province of Ontario. This included a weekend “Think Tank” with a qualified facilitator.

• On June 15, 2004 the Central Divisional Leaders' Council (four Ontario divisions and Quebec) received the report of this group and agreed to the following -

  • 1. To explore ways of doing camping together (inter-divisionally)

  • 2. To explore governance issues for camps operated by the divisions and territorial headquarters in Ontario and Quebec.

• A further expanded committee was struck to pursue these issues further.

This study included site visits to each camp in the Province and numerous meetings and discussions. Their report was tabled at the May 12/06 meeting of the Central Divisional Leaders’ Council and included the following recommendations:

  • 1. All Salvation Army based camp programs will be held at Jackson’s Point Conference Centre.

  • 2. All adventure Camps (fresh Air/holiday) will be held at Wabana and the Jackson’s Point Divisional Camp site.

  • 3. All wilderness/out tripping camps will be held at Camp Newport. This includes Rainbow camp programs.

  • 4. An implementation committee comprising members from all Ontario divisions be struck to work through details of this concept.

This implementation will include enhanced programming and increased opportunities to obtain qualified staff for all camp ministries. A provincial camp director will be hired for the 2007 camping season leading to full implementation by the summer of 2008.

These recommendations were approved by the CDLC members, each divisional executive board in Ontario and forwarded to the Cabinet for ratification. The Cabinet considered these recommendations in an all day meeting in early September, and approval “in principle” was given to proceed with the implementation process.

The implementation committee has now been formed with representatives from all four current Ontario divisions and is actively working to implement these recommendations.

Be assured we will keep you informed as the necessary steps are undertaken in the future! We are convinced that a careful and creative approach will result in greater program effectiveness and efficiencies that will contribute to enhanced Kingdom building through camping. We solicit your prayers.

Yours faithfully,

Don CoppleLt-Colonel
ON Central Division

Alf Richardson, Major
ON Great Lakes Division

Kenneth Bonnar, Major
ON East Division

Eric Bond, Major
ON North Division

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One Response

  1. Comment from Yvonne Knott, Sun 29th Apr 2007 5:03pm

    I would be curious to know what prompted these very dramatic decisions, why more people were not consulted on this decision and why an announcement is only being made now, some 10 months after the report was completed.

    This is a very sad day for camping in Ontario - unless of course you live in the Toronto area. It seems once again the leadership of the Army is content to make dramatic changes without fully explaining the need for such changes. Is it that these "surplus" camps are no longer financially viable, or is it that they are worth too much on the real estate market?

    As a Salvationist affected by this decision I am disappointed that this is the only official comment on such a dramatic change.