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Volunteers Honoured at Territorial Headquarters

Fri 20th Apr 2007 Add comment

volunteers.jpgAs part of National Volunteer Week (April 15-21), a volunteer appreciation event was held to honour those who give freely of their time to further the work of The Salvation Army at the Canada and Bermuda Territorial Headquarters. Hosted by Major Patricia Tuppenney, territorial volunteer services secretary, the event featured a slide presentation showcasing the volunteers and their efforts.

Joining in the celebration was Commissioner M. Christine MacMillan, territorial commander, who brought greetings on behalf of THQ officers and employees. “Volunteers challenge the materialism of the western world,” she said. “You give with no strings attached.” Reflecting on personal experiences at THQ, the territorial commander said, “Your presence touches my heart because you are here and want to be a part of our community.”

The territorial commander, Major Tuppenney and Major Jean Moulton, territorial secretary for personnel, presented the volunteers with a certificate and token gift of appreciation.

“The volunteers at THQ are part of a strong team united in its efforts to fulfill the organization’s mission. We thank them for being part of our team,” says Major Tuppenney.

National Volunteer Week pays special tribute to Canadian volunteers across the country who give of themselves to better their communities and the lives of others. For information on volunteering with The Salvation Army in your community, click here.

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