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Missing the Good Life

Can we be cynically healthy?

Tue 6th Jan 2009 Add comment
Is it OK to be cynical? I've been batting this one around in my own thoughts. Is there anything wrong with cynicism? Can one be cynically healthy?

I “googled” cynicism and got these quotes (and a few more):

"Cynicism (KυνισμÏŒς) was originally the philosophy of a group of ancient Greeks called the Cynics, founded by Antisthenes. The Cynics rejected all conventions, whether of religion, manners, housing, dress, or decency, advocating the pursuit of virtue in a simple and unmaterialistic lifestyle."

Definition: "a scornful or jaded negativity; a belief that people are motivated by self-interest rather than acting for honorable or unselfish reasons."

I'm not a cynic. In fact, I might be accused of being too optimistic, too hopeful. Part of that is personality; the level of self-confidence that is mine. I grew up in a home that encouraged, never dismissed, my hopes or dreams. My family helped me put rational thought into dreams so that I would understand that some things existed outside reality.

So I ask again, is it okay to be cynical? When you look at some of the personalities in the Church, it is, apparently, natural for some to be cynical. I wonder, though, whether the cynic isn't missing out on some good things?

It seems like the cynical miss out on some good relationships. I'm not suggesting they have no friends, but rather they miss out on relationships with those who simply find the tone of conversation burdensome and so move on. Maybe that’s why the cynical band together?

I think the cynical also miss out on some of the joys of life. If cynicism is having a “jaded outlook,” then there must be times when the kindness of others is only seen in the light of suspicion. Certainly what might be a joyful experience cannot be fully embraced, for the cynic must stand back and analyze with dark glasses the motive of the kind.

The other thought that I've had is around how cynicism must be reflective of faith─you can argue this one with me for sure. I wonder if the cynic's basic thought reflects some doubt around God's care and provision. If the cynic views life as a glass half full, there’s a good chance they will be doubtful that God can do anything about the empty half.

May I encourage my cynical friends to view life a little differently? What would you lose by trusting instead of doubting? What would you gain if you smile instead of smirked? What would you win if you let God cover the gap?

So, my cynical friends, what think ye?

Major Fred Waters is an Area Commander in the Prairie & Northern Territories Division. Edmonton and the north is his perspective presently on family, friends and ministry. Fred enjoys outdoor activities such as camping, hiking and gardening. Together with his wife, Wendy, he has shared in the experiences of youth ministry, corps officership and administration.

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