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In My Father’s House

God the Father wants us to know he loves us

Thu 16th Oct 2008 Add comment
I am a mature woman who is relearning what it means to be parented by God. I am currently spending much time thinking about my relationship with God: He is my Father and I am his child. I have shared the following thoughts with the women in my church as we study Mary Kassian’s book, In My Father’s House. I delight in being loved by my Father!

We often hear the words “God loves us.” This is a fact we affirm on an intellectual basis. But do we know (understand and sense) the Father’s love on a daily basis? The Father wants us to know, without a doubt, just how much he loves us.

Do we recognize and understand Father God’s language of love? Our heavenly Father communicates his love for us using all five love languages: words, acts of service, time and attention, gifts and touch.

The Word of God is personal; we can insert our names into the text.
  • Jeremiah 31:3: “I have loved (Ann) with an everlasting love; I have drawn (Ann) with unfailing kindness.”
  • Isaiah 54:10: “‘Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for (Ann) will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,’ says the Lord, who has compassion on (Ann).”
  • 1 John 3:1: “See what great love the Father has lavished on (Ann), that (Ann) should be called a child of God!”
Do you grasp the significance of this? Do you realize who is speaking? The most high and holy God, Creator of all that is, the Giver of life─immeasurable, immortal, eternal, and all-powerful God─the one who holds oceans in his hands, squeezes the rain from the clouds, scatters stars, splits the skies with lightning and makes the mountains tremble. This God speaks and says, “Know that I am your Father. You are my treasured, chosen possession. I love you.”

Do we truly believe it? If we don’t, our lack of belief says much more about what we think about God than what we think about ourselves. We may feel insignificant, unattractive, unremarkable and unworthy, but when our heavenly Father says, “I love you,” and we do not believe him, then what we are really saying is, “God, you are not big enough to love me” or “God, you are not good enough to love me” or “God, you are not being truthful.”

The Word of God is powerful. Every word that proceeds from his mouth is accomplished. His word created and sustains the universe. He does not use words lightly. When he speaks, it is so. He cannot lie. Father God says he loves you and me. Believe him! Take him at his word! The awareness of being loved by the heavenly Father has the power to transform hearts.

In future blogs I will invite you think about the other expressions of God’s love language: acts of service, time and attention, gifts and touch.

Major Ann Braund and her husband, Jamie, are the corps officers of Cariboo Hill Temple in Burnaby, B.C. Ann and Jamie have three teenage children: Joanna, Jared and Jessica. She enjoys her family, her dog Charlie and her church family. She also enjoys being a foster mom when the opportunity arises. She has loved four foster daughters.

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