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Territorial Day of Prayer for Symposium 2008

Commissioner William W. Francis declares October 26, 2008 as a Territorial Day of Prayer on behalf of Symposium 2008

Wed 8th Oct 2008 Add comment

As Symposium 2008 draws closer I am inviting every corps and ministry unit in Canada and Bermuda to participate in a Territorial Day of Prayer on October 26, 2008.

The Steering Committee and I covet your prayers on behalf of all those who will gather at Jackson’s Point from October 30th – November 2nd. During those days 150 Delegates and members of the Steering Committee will be tasked with seeking God’s direction for the Army in our Territory. All those attending have conducted interviews of Salvationists in preparation for the Symposium and all have been in prayer for the process and outcome. The priorities that emerge will become an important component to our territorial mission and ministry over the coming years.

Prayer points to consider include the following:
  • For safety as delegates travel great distances to participate in the summit.
  • That delegates will be responsive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
  • That delegates come with a seeking heart, willing to listen to others.
  • That worship and prayer is central to every aspect of the symposium.
  • For clarity as delegates prepare their propositional statements.
  • For unity and consensus as delegates prioritize the essential propositions.
  • For territory-wide ownership of the propositions as Salvationists live them out in their various ministries and communities.
  • That God will be glorified in all that is done.
Regular updates during the Symposium will be posted on the Symposium website so that Salvationists can follow the process and progress made at Jackson’s Point. 

Sincerely yours,

William W. Francis
Territorial Commander

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