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Dreaming Big at Symposium 2008

Delegates discuss the key themes for the territory

Sat 1st Nov 2008 1 comment
Friday was a busy day for Symposium 2008 delegates. Many participated in the optional prayer time at 6:30 AM before the corporate prayer and worship service at 7. Joel Fisher, Ontario Central-East Division, led worship as delegates focused on the power and goodness of God. Ducer Kamgang, Quebec Division, spoke about the importance of relying on God's direction in all that we do.

Dreaming Together
Throughout the day, delegates met in small groups to discuss their hopes and dreams for the Army as they pertain to the five key themes: Identity, Discipleship and Spiritual Growth, Engaging Current Culture, Authority and Formal Relationships, Leadership and Organizational Change. Later in the evening, members of the steering committee prepared a summary document that highlighted the day's discussions. The summary document can be downloaded here.

The day closed with worship as delegates offered their praise and adoration to God. On Saturday, delegates will identify the propositions that they would like the Army to adopt. These propositions will be gathered together and then delegates will have the opportunity to vote for the propositions they feel are essential. Then, each division will choose a delegate to represent them in a Unanimity Council, where they will choose unanimous priorities for the Army. 

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One Response

  1. Comment from Brent Steeves, Sun 9th Nov 2008 7:00pm

    Interesting. We were encouraged to dream, but the leadership chose to remain deeply asleep!

    While some of those individuals 'facilitating discussion' in our focus groups actually were responsive to the delegate's dreams...most were more acutely aware of their mandate to eliminate anything that looked or felt like critical thought. In short, our dreams were censored.

    So, congratulations to all the directors of the Symposium--you successfully directed the 'dreams of the delegates' into the 'desires of the leadership.' Bravo!

    I think that an honest synopsis of the symposium would be very appropriate. I believe that the people of the SA in Canada would be very interested in knowing (in order) the 12 REAL proposals put forward by the delegates.