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My Covenant was covered in sewage!

Fri 22nd Jun 2007 Add comment

covenant.jpgThis is more than a catchy title for an article. It is reality. One evening, two years ago, a fierce rain storm dumped a huge amount of water on our streets. The drainage systems could not handle the volume of water that flowed. As a result it poured into hundreds of homes causing tremendous amounts of water and sewer damage to property. One of the casualties was the loss of my Officer’s Covenant I signed on June 23rd, 1974.

This past weekend, The Salvation Army Celebration 125 occurred in Winnipeg. We took part in the happenings and came away encouraged and challenged by what we saw and experienced. Especially significant to me was the officers’ councils held on the Friday afternoon.

There were thought provoking testimonies given and a strong challenge from Commissioner M. Christine MacMillan. During this service, opportunity was given for officers to re-sign their Officers’ Covenant. There was no pressure, just opportunity to do it if you desire. I did, for at that moment I realized the covenant I lost to water and sewer damage was a reflection of the world I live in today.

Salvation Army officers carry out their covenant among the raw sewage of human behaviour each day. The wear and tear of earthly striving takes its toll on the best of us. Some days I feel contaminated by the negative effects of the world I live in, but then I quickly remind myself “greater is He that is in me than he that is the world” (I John 4:4).

What I signed on a piece of paper over thirty three years ago is not as important as the keeping of my heart covenant. My understanding of covenant keeping has changed over the years and its significance takes me deeper into the love and grace of Almighty God. I would never been able to keep this covenant if it were not for God’s abiding presence in my life every day.

Each day as I read the Bible and meditate on His promises, I am strengthened and helped to ‘hold fast to the profession of my faith’ (Hebrews 10:23).

The Bible says,”ye have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you”
( John 15:16). The fact that God would choose me still is overwhelming. God has a plan for my life and each day I live it out in covenant keeping.

Do I always like what I’m doing? Of course not! Do I always go willingly forward? Not likely! Yet, the overwhelming desire to do God’s will keeps pushing me forward and He stretches me beyond what I would have chosen for myself.

If you are looking for an easy life Salvation Army officership may not be for you, but if you want to do God’s will and experience amazing blessings in your life, then covenant keeping through officership cannot be matched!

Oh, by the way, I did re-sign my covenant on June 15th, 2007, and will frame it now as a continual reminder of the original covenant I signed on June 23rd, 1974.

Major Wilson Perrin
Executive Director, Dinsdale Personal Care Home
Brandon, MB Canada

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