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Come On and Celebrate!

Thu 22nd Mar 2007 Add comment

onetwofivecome-on.jpgJoin in a birthday bash marking 125 years of Salvation Army ministry in Canada.

For several months a series of intriguing advertisements have appeared in Salvationist announcing something called Celebration OneTwoFive, to be held in Winnipeg June 15-17. Where does the name come from? OneTwoFive represents the number of years since 1882, when The Salvation Army officially began in Canada, joined later by Bermuda in 1896.
So why celebrate? For several reasons. Who doesn’t enjoy a celebration? God certainly does. They were his idea in the first place. The Old Testament is full of annual celebrations-the Feast of the Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles, to name just two. And nobody enjoyed a party more than Jesus. In fact, the religious people of his day took him to task for socializing. One of his most famous stories-known as the Parable of the Prodigal Son, but perhaps more accurately titled the Parable of the Good Father (see Luke 15:11-32)-ends with a great celebration feast. And why not? A son thought to have been lost had come safely home, or-to use Salvation Army terminology-had been saved.

So a birthday bash offers the chance to joyfully reflect on the incredible things God has accomplished through ordinary men and women who have made up The Salvation Army in Canada over the past 125 years. It also allows us to celebrate the diverse ways in which God continues to work through ordinary people who make up The Salvation Army today. And we can also look forward with hope to how God is going to give a new generation of Salvationists the opportunity to be fellow-workers in the future as he continues to do a “new thing” in our midst (see Isaiah 43:19).

In her article in last month’s Salvationist, our territorial commander, Commissioner M. Christine MacMillan, stated that the Winnipeg celebration is scripturally grounded in Colossians 1:24-29. It will be a multi-faceted experience, with each element reflecting a particular aspect of that passage.

Celebration OneTwoFive will be one seamless event with some unusual components. Among those who will be bringing creative gifts to enhance the weekend will be the Canadian Staff Band and Jubilane, a worship team from Bermuda. Enhanced by the presence of unique Salvation Army ministries that are offered in Winnipeg, each gathering will explore one specific cause for celebration, such as youth or the family. These will be described in more detail in the May issue of Salvationist.

Celebration OneTwoFive is not just an “event” to mark on your calendar. It is a way to link our heritage with the desire to engage our modern-day communities. Through preparation together and celebration together, we will start moving on together.

Plans have been underway for many months, co-ordinated by THQ and the Manitoba and Northwest Ontario Division. Everything is being undergirded by prayer throughout the territory, thanks to Major Lynda Watt, spiritual life and prayer co-ordinator, who facilitates the monthly Prayer Diary, and a local prayer committee led by Major Susan van Duinen. The committee is working diligently to provide many creative aids to prayer that will help participants focus on various expressions of Army ministry.

We have no doubt that the future of our territory will be shaped by the fresh inspiration and momentum that participants will receive at Celebration OneTwoFive. Our hope and prayer for each Salvationist is that they come away with a new awareness of Christ in their lives and identify with Paul’s statement in Colossians 1:29 (Living Bible): “This is my work, and I can only do it through Christ’s mighty energy at work within me.”

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