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Missing daughter of SA officers is home safe

Wed 7th Feb 2007 1 comment

Makarena, daughter of Cpts Mauricio and Erika Urzua in Ecuador has been found. Makarena left home on her own. The good news is that Makarena has been found, unharmed.

She confessed to her parents, in front of the police, that she had left home of her own free will, with a boyfriend. This was the same boyfriend who earlier said he knew nothing of her whereabouts. She also said that she knew nothing of the telephone calls that they were receiving asking for ransom. She did not ask for them to be made, nor does she know who was making them.

She will not be returning home.The circumstances call for continued prayer for her and her family.

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One Response

  1. Comment from Ian Scott, Wed 7th Feb 2007 5:16pm

    I am very happy and thankful that these parents found out about their child and that she is safe. What I would like to say is that we are often very quick to judge and label the circumstances, often without cause. The title of the previous article is a good example, "Daughter of SA Officers kidnapped in Ecuador" Not only was this premature but it sheds a negative light on that region of Ecuador. She was not kidnapped. Now people will start saying it is unsafe and so on. I would like to stress that we need to find out as many facts as possible before we publish our speculations. In this case, everything turned out alright and everyone is safe though not necessarily happy. That is something they will have to work out. The reverse is true also when the truth is watered down and hidden for fear of what people may think. The media is more powerful and widespread than ever and we need to be careful about what we say and print. The old Axiom of think before you speak is more applicable than ever before.
    Praise God we can be a people of understanding.