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Chief Secretary's Quarterly Report

Tue 8th May 2007 Add comment

The following is the 1st Quarter 2007 Chief Secretary's report for the Canada and Bermuda Territory:


Corps and Social Ministry expressions continue to keep to the fore the mission of 'saving souls'.  Corps programming including Sunday School and Sunday meetings both provide opportunities where we see people responding to an invitation to accept Christ as Saviour.  Mid-week programming focused around small groups, prayer and Bible study, Alpha and one-on-one interaction are providing further opportunities for individuals to be saved which proves to be most effective in this season of the year.  Alpha Canada is launching a national emphasis for September 2007 which corps are being encouraged to 'ride the wave' of the Alpha advertising campaign through August and September.

Careforce Lifekeys/Healing and Wholeness Ministry:

This is the second year for Careforce Lifekeys Ministry in our Territory, with nine of our Divisions implementing training.  These trainings have included, Search for Life, Woman to Woman, Man to Man and Facilitator Training, resulting in 107 trained facilitators across our territory and two individuals who have completed Senior Soldier preparation classes and are now enrolled as Soldiers.  People have searched into their own life experiences, shared in small group settings and began the journey toward healing and wholeness.  Careforce Lifekeys is a 'needs based ministry' and leaders of our local Corps, Social Institutions and Community Ministry Units are encouraged to seek out the needs and then strive to connect individuals, at their point of need, with Christ.


A new Junior Soldier preparation course has been distributed to all corps.  In addition "Red Cap", an Anger Management program, has been developed for use in schools.  This tool provides a unique link between The Salvation Army and community need, as we look to integrated mission.

Social Justice continues to be a growing area of interest for youth.  Four youth will attend a Human Trafficking Conference put on by the territory, and several youth gathered recently in Vancouver to attend a weekend of teaching, service, fellowship, in urban ministry, put on by the War College.



The General Fund budget for 2006/07 projected a deficit of $2.6 million.  Based on results to December 31, 2006, it is expected that the year-end results will be ahead of budget; however, as the final accounting for the year ended March 31, 2007 is still underway, it is not possible to be more precise at this time.

The original approved budget for 2007/08 was for a deficit of $1.7 million; however, this has since been revised to $2.1 million as a result of changes to the divisional restructuring plan approved by International Headquarters which will now see only four divisions involved in restructuring this year, rather than six.  The Territory’s original proposal would have seen the annual operating deficit eliminated by March 2010 or 2011.  These projections will have to be reviewed once final decisions are made on the pilot project and any further divisional amalgamations that may be undertaken.


The Territory has issued a request for proposals for banking services.  Of the five major banks that were invited to submit proposals, four have replied indicating their intention to do so.  Full proposals are expected by May 31, and will be reviewed soon thereafter.


The Territory’s investment portfolios enjoyed significant returns during 2006.  The General Investment saw total income of 15.5%, compared with its benchmark of 12.8%, while the Officers’ Retirement Trust Fund earned 15.4%, compared with its benchmark of 12.8%.

Results for the first quarter of 2007 have not been received to date.


An actuarial valuation of the Officers’ Retirement Plan as at March 31, 2006 has just been completed.  The report reveals that the Plan has an actuarial surplus of assets over liabilities of some $8 million.

The Plan is now in a position where the surplus has declined sufficiently (both as a result of increased benefit provisions as well as more moderate investment returns generally over the past few years) such that contributions may be resumed, having been on a contribution holiday since 1994.  Contributions are expected to resume in 2007/08, and the budget incorporates provision for this expense which will be $3.4 million.

World Missions:


Resource packages were sent at the end of December to every ministry unit in the Territory in preparation for the Self Denial/ Partners in Mission fund-raising campaign to begin in February. The goal of the 2007 campaign is $2.1 million.

Each year the Partners in Mission campaign has highlighted one of our partner territories. This year Myanmar is featured in a selection of video presentations from a recent visit to the territory along with print material providing information of the ongoing work of The Salvation Army in Myanmar.

This year a short ‘Partners in Mission’ presentation was shown at each Divisional Officers Retreat to deepen the awareness and understanding of the significance of this fund-raising appeal.

Final reports from divisions will not be available until the end of June.


With the explosion of interest in short term mission trips over the last decade, we have strived to encourage ministry units and divisions to consider teams traveling to our partner territories. This year three teams have been involved in ministry in Mexico. During this quarter Mission teams have supported the ministry in Bangladesh, Jamaica, Panama and Mexico.


We have completed the transfer of funds for the 2006 mission support projects and are ready to consider new projects as forwarded by IHQ.


Our partner territories have submitted a number of small projects in need of funding. These are ready for distribution to divisions, ministry units and individuals as an ‘over and above’ the self denial campaign. An appeal for funding to support feeding programs for street children in Mexico was recently highlighted by the Manitoba public relations department in a local faith based newspaper.


This year a web-based month-long fund raising campaign, piggy-backing on the IHQ slogan ‘While Women Weep’ was launched to raise the profile of global issues and needs. While not as successful as hoped, we anticipate that this may be an avenue of fund raising that could be explored further in the future.


The Salvation Army Child Sponsorship Program is a ministry of outreach and investment.  It provides an opportunity for many less fortunate children to have a better quality of life, as well as giving them a chance to realize their goals.

The financial assistance ensures that children receive food, clothing, shelter, education, medical attention, and are nurtured by loving spiritual care.  Not all of the children live in our Army homes.  Some live with their families, but are linked to the Army through feeding programs, day care centres, schools and local community/village corps.

We are presently providing assistance to 2668 children and programs, and partnering with 1963 sponsors in this very important ministry.


There are identified beneficiary families and completed construction of 37 houses in Kalutara and Ampara Districts. Construction of another 30 houses is in progress and expected to be completed by April 2007. 130 beneficiaries received livelihood supports and are running their Income Generating Activities (IGAs). 5 cooperative groups are formed providing business opportunities to livelihood beneficiaries. 450 beneficiaries received business planning training for establishing their livelihoods. Establishment of 6 community centers is in progress providing common space for community capacity development, youth and child development activities. 8 youth groups are formed and provide vocational training to 213 youths. The community outreach and involvement of local Corps Officers in facilitating vocational training and other community capacity development interventions demonstrates opportunities for sustaining project results beyond the project period.



The $11,000,000 Grace Mansions project allows The Salvation Army in the east end of Vancouver to address the significant shortage of adequate housing for the City’s poor and marginalized.

In cooperation with the local governmental housing authority, the Army had the opportunity to purchase a ready made facility continuing 89 residential units.  The bulk of the funds were provided by the government with only 20% required from The Salvation Army.

This new venture will allow The Salvation Army to position itself as a meaningful contributor as well as complement the existing services that the Army provides in a continuum of care.

This project was pre-approved by IHQ


After lengthy negotiation (2 years) with Alcan International, the Montreal, Quebec DHQ (2050 Stanley Street) complex has been sold.  Known as the Tower, this six (6) storey office facility was built in conjunction with Alcan over 20 years ago.  At the time, the building was built to suit the specific administration and ministry needs of the Army.  As those needs have changed, the requirement of this facility and the associated cost became unnecessary.

Attached to this complex is the historic Montreal Citadel (2085 Drummond Street). The Citadel was part of the sale allowing it to re-position itself in a new vision context for the future.

End of Canada and Bermuda Territory - Chief Secretary's Report

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