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Chief Secretary's quarterly report

Tue 15th Aug 2006 1 comment

The following is the Chief Secretary’s 2nd quarter report for the Canada and Bermuda territory in 2006:


During recent months numerous corps participated in a three week inter-denominational evangelism campaign entitled "Celebration 2006". A number of corps have made use of the Purpose Driven Life campaigns, especially in conjunction with Easter. Corps have prepared for summer outreach campaigns which will take the forms of Vacation Bible Schools, Day Camps, and music concerts in parks. In Natural Church Development assessments one of the most common maximum factors continues to be 'Need-Oriented Evangelism'.

William and Catherine Booth College Graduation

"God has strengthened and equipped us during our time of study, and promises to continue the journey with us as we use our skills and knowledge to bring honour and glory to him through faithful service." With these words, valedictorian Betty Good represented her fellow graduates at William and Catherine Booth College in Winnipeg. With 60 students in total, it marked the largest graduating class in the college's history.

A highlight of the graduation was the conferral of two honorary doctorates on Dr Len Williams (doctor of civil law) and Dr Roger Green (doctor of divinity). Former president Dr Jonathan Raymond then conferred 28 degrees and presented 34 certificates to the graduating class. Included were the first recipients of the certificate in management, the bachelor of arts (advanced) in Christian ministries, and the bachelor of arts in social and behavioural sciences.

This year's special guest for the graduation exercises was Commissioner Hasse Kjellgren, territorial commander for Sweden and Latvia, and a nominee for General at this year's High Council. In his address, he encouraged the graduating class to continue to ask questions and to seek knowledge as they move beyond their studies into various kinds of work.

The celebration was brought to a close with a reception and open house at the college in honour of the graduating class.

Announcement of Interim President

In May, WCBC board of trustees announced the appointment of Dr Donald Burke as the interim president of Booth College. In making the announcement, the board cited their confidence that the college will continue to move forward under his leadership while they conduct an international search for the next president.

Global Missions

As lead donor partner, The Canada and Bermuda Territory has been extremely active in implementing The Salvation Army's single largest tsunami project located in Sri Lanka. Mr. Christopher Needham is now in Sri Lanka and acting as the project manager to supervise the various work being undertaken. In addition to this, a team of specialists has been assembled to handle the specific requirements of assisting those still in need after the devastation of the tsunami.

The World Missions Department has been pleased with the progress made in renegotiating a partnership agreement with the Canadian International Development Agency. We are presently awaiting approval of a $1.5 million proposal for integrated projects in five developing countries of the world. These projects will have the following components: HIV/AIDS. water, women's empowerment, health education and human trafficking.

With the expanding role of the World Missions Department we were pleased to welcome Major Gillian Brown to the team. Gillian will take on a newly developed role as the Associate Director of World Missions. Her interest in and support of our overseas work will make her a very valuable asset to our ongoing work overseas.


2005/06 year-end results

The Territorial General Fund realized a budget surplus of $0.2 million in 2005/06, compared to a budget deficit of $2.2 million. Management support assessments were $1.2 million ahead of budget, and costs at territorial and divisional headquarters were $1.1 million under budget.

After accounting for year-end adjustments for accounting purposes related to pension and other post retirement benefit obligations, the fund balance declined by $3.0 million, resulting in a year-end fund balance of $3.7 million.

The budget for 2006/07 projects a deficit of $2.5 million, and preliminary work is now underway on developing budgetary forecasts for 2007/08 and 2008/09 to assist the Territorial Finance Council in determining further strategies for balancing the budget go-forward.

Territorial Consolidated Financial Statements

The Territory has been working towards the publication of territorial consolidated financial statements. On June 22, 2006, the Governing Council approved the financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2006, which consolidate the financial position and results of operations of all territorial and divisional headquarters entities, including national recycling operations and the colleges.

Work is now underway on the next stage, which involves the consolidation of ministry units into the territorial financial statements. In this respect, in early July, the Territorial Finance Council reach final decisions on several key issues, including:

  • The adoption of the Shelby Web accounting system as the territorial standard for ministry units that perform their own accounting and financial reporting functions, effective April 2009.

  • The engagement of the public accounting firm of KPMG, LLP as the Territory’s external auditor for all ministry units that require such audits, effective March 2008.

  • A target date of March 2010 for full consolidation, with a test run to be performed at March 2009.

The finance department is now implementing a communications strategy designed to inform stakeholders of the project and seek their input as it unfolds.

Congress and commissioning

Crowds of Salvationists and friends found their way to the cities of St. John’s and Mount Pearl for the 120th Newfoundland and Labrador provincial congress June 23-25. Excitement filled the air from the opening event right through to the closing salvation meeting. Participants were not disappointed as God’s presence brought fresh renewal, deep commitment and, for some, the start of a new life in Christ.

Opportunity was taken during the program to recognize the service of Bandmaster Kevin Hayward, who was conducting his last Canadian Staff Band concert before relinquishing his responsibilities on July 31.

Nearly 400 officers met in councils at St. John’s Temple on Friday morning to worship God and renew their personal covenant.

On Saturday night a vast crowd gathered for the historic final commissioning of cadets from the St. John’s CFOT. To the strains of martial music, members of the Visionaries Session were preceded by representative officers from more than 50 previous sessions marching before them into the arena. The audience was moved to see this embodiment of a continuous response to God’s call, representing the steadfast dedication of Newfoundland Salvationists over successive generations. Following their commissioning and ordination by the Territorial Commander, the 13 new captains sealed their commitment at the mercy seat, supported by family and friends. Others came to the platform as further evidence that God is still calling Salvationists to full-time service.

The arena then became a vast hall of prayer as dozens came forward to surrender to the claims of God upon their life. As the meeting concluded with I’ll Go in the Strength of the Lord, those who came for this historic gathering were grateful for the new vision of God they had experienced, and left determined to fulfill God’s vision for his Army in the momentous days to come.

Closure of CFOT St. John’s ceremony

The public closing of the St. John’s College for Officer Training (CFOT) on June 24, 2006 allowed those present to look back on 116 years of officer training in the province.

Two speakers brought focus and perspective with their sensitive comments relating to what was, for many, a very emotional event. Although it is the end of an era relative to officer training in the province, it is not the end of an era of Newfoundlanders training as Salvation Army officers. In acknowledging that Newfoundland Salvationists were feeling the loss of “their” college, it was affirmed that The Salvation Army was embracing new projects and programs to address modern-day need, and listeners were encouraged to move forward in a positive spirit to continue serving the people of Newfoundland and Labrador in the years to come.

Property - new openings

Although there were only 4 official openings in this quarter, the Property Dept. has been busy with several ongoing projects many of which are currently under construction.


1. Fort St. John, BC - Corps/Thrift Store/Care & Share Ministries/ Emergency Shelter Services May 26/06 - Captain Curtis Butler

The Fort St. John Corps / Thrift Store / Care and Share Ministries had leased a facility along with a small house for the Emergency Shelter. The project involved the purchase and renovation of this formerly leased facility to include the emergency shelter services consolidating everything under one roof. The newly renovated facility was opened by the Divisional Secretary, Captain Curtis Butler on May 26, 2006.

2. Fredericton, NB - New Citadel (Fredericton Community Church) - June 17/06 - Commissioner Christine MacMillan

The Fredericton Corps has taken on a vision to relocate from the downtown area and to reach out to a new area. They have reported that the excitement and positive vision of the Corps Officers, local officers, soldiers and from friends of the Corps has spread amongst the community. One major piece of the puzzle relative to all SA ministries was to have the Community and Family Services component housed within the Corps building . The land was purchased for the new facility in June 2003 and after much hard work in design and construction the new building was opened on June 17, 2006 by Commissioner MacMillan.

3. Winnipeg John Fairbank Memorial Library - April 28/06 - Colonel Glen Shepherd
4. Official Opening of CFOT - Winnipeg - May 1, 2006 - Commissioner Christine MacMillan

Between the closure of the Toronto CFOT in 2004 to the final commissioning ceremony at the St. John's CFOT in June 2006 much time and effort has gone into the preparation of the new CFOT site at 290 Vaughan St. in Winnipeg. Aside from the 4 storey, 50,000 square foot Vaughan St. property which houses the College and the new John Fairbank Memorial Library (which is shared by the William and Catherine Booth Bible College) , The Salvation Army purchased a new 24 unit apartment building for cadet housing.

The Library component of the project was officially opened by the Chief Secretary, Colonel Glen Shepherd on April 28, 2006, and the CFOT was opened by the Territorial Commander, Commissioner MacMillan on May 1, 2006.

Other news

The Property Dept. has been working with the Territorial Secretary for Business Administration towards revisions to several of the current official operating policies (Minutes). General policy issues are also being reviewed. The criteria for the purchase of Salvation Army quarters has been under review for the past number of months and several amendments have been approved by the Territorial Property Board to ensure that officer accommodations are kept to a reasonable standard while ensuring proper stewardship of financial resources.


In addition to regular programming and youth gatherings in the territory, two unique events took place, Innovare 2006, and Canadian Salvos '06.

Innovare was a gathering of stakeholders and innovators in Youth Ministry. Included was group discussion on mentoring, exploring creative models for the Divisional Youth Secretary role, equipping our youth with relevant resources to connect with a hurting world, and the role of the local corps and youth pastor in the spiritual formation of youth.

At the invitation of the German Territory, a team of seven, Canadian Salvos '06, travelled to Nuremberg Germany for the World Cup of Football, to support the Social Work Institution in raising the profile of The Salvation Army, and sharing the love of Christ in that community. Incarnational living was key as the team lived at the shelter, participated in activities, participated in a "Kick-off cafe", and joined with other churches in celebration as the world gathered in Germany for the World Cup.

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One Response

  1. Comment from Major John Gerard, Fri 18th Aug 2006 10:37am

    I am grateful for the excellent 2nd quarterly CS Report dated 15 Aug 2006.A method needs to be found to bring this message and others to follow to thousands of Salvationists with e-mail addresses.
    I suggest that property projects in development be listed too. This helps to give a feeling of ongoing progress.
    I suggest that comment be made about Divisional growth or decline which then could be an object of focused prayer.Pockets of exceptional growth need to be highlight.
    Blessings to all Officers.