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Chief Secretary's quarterly report

Tue 7th Nov 2006 Add comment

The following is the Chief Secretary’s 3rd quarter report for the Canada and Bermuda territory in 2006:

Women's Camps across the Canada and Bermuda Territory are eagerly anticipated with attendance reaching full capacity in many divisions.  Women shared without hesitation the work the Lord is doing in their lives.  An emphasis on Victims of Human Trafficking was prominent at one camp and the ladies were challenged to respond by becoming more informed about the issue and to take action by writing to Members of Parliament and most importantly by praying. A significant aspect of all camps is the prominence placed on prayer - Prayer Rooms, Prayer Walks, Prayer Fellowships resulting in new commitments and many in the rededication of their lives to the Lord.

It seems that having fun can also result in raising money for missions and this happened at a number of Camps  - 'Shop 'til you drop' Boutique; White Elephant sales; Auctions etc. were some of the initiatives used.  Great time had by all - making money with Missions in mind.

Worship sessions are always challenging and inspiring and the ladies are able to 'set their thoughts upon God' and draw from His strength for spiritual renewal.  Camp is  a time of enrichment, opportunity to laugh - even cry, to share, to think, to pray and to experience the working of the Holy Spirit.  Much thought and prayer goes into the planning of these events but it is only through God's provision of personal care that each can leave Camp feeling refreshed and renewed

Children & Youth Ministry:
6,640 of children were impacted this summer through the camping ministries carried out across Canada, and 940 first time decisions for Christ were made through new and innovative programs.

There continues to be enthusiastic involvement in the two divisionally sponsored Gap Year Programs; Ignite (Ontario Central Division) and the War College (British Columbia Division) where young adults are immersed physically, spiritually and mentally in urban ministry, developing leadership and inter-personal skills that will be life-changing. is undergoing a make-over to become an interactive resource/sharing site for teens and young adults, and ordering of youth resources and curriculum have been simplified through the Ordering Catalogue at

As noted in the previous report the Territorial General Fund realized a budget surplus of $0.2 million in 2005/06 compared to a budget deficit of $2.2 million.

At the time of writing the current budget year, 2006/07 projects a deficit of $2.5 million although continued measures to manage the deficit indicate the Territory is on track to performing better than budget.

Preliminary work is now underway with TFC and Cabinet in developing guidelines and strategies for the 2007/08 budget.

The Territory's Annual Red Shield Appeal is indicating very positive numbers as we track against 2005/06, even though a record appeal result was realized last year.

As of September 30, 2006 the total actual raised is $11,013,855 against $10,975,974 for the same period last year.  This is a substantial achievement given the shift to direct mail from the traditional door to door blitz.   67% of the total Red Shield is raised through direct mail.

On a very positive note internet fund-raising continues to grow with an increase of 77% over last year.  The Territory is well positioned to enter the significant Christmas fund-raising season.

World Missions:
The implementation of development projects in tsunami affected countries has continued to occupy a great deal of our time, but with continued success.  Major Gillian Brown was one of our territorial representatives who visited Indonesia in September to take part in a handing over ceremony of over 200 new homes to beneficiary families in Kuta Padang Village.  As Phase 2 of this project draws to close, plans are being developed to implement Phase 3 and complete the original project objects.

Manjita Biswas visited Sri Lanka to monitor the ongoing tsunami project in that country.  Work has been made difficult by the civil unrest and our concerns for the safety of our staff.  In spite of these difficulties and the continuing changes in circumstances, the team has continued to work diligently and redefine the project to meet the needs of those still suffering after the devastation of the tsunami.  We are determined to 'stay the course' and assist people as they rebuild their lives.

We are presently working on plans for a newly defined and expanded Partners in Mission appeal and will distribute this new material in early in the New Year.

In addition, we are pleased to report an increased interest in the number of team applications for short term mission opportunities overseas.  It is our hope that this result in changed lives by both team members and those they partner with in the host territories.

Syndey, N.S. - Corps, Community & Family Services, and Parkdale Ministries:

For 110 years the Salvation Army  has been ministering in Sydney under the umbrella of two individual Corps,  Sydney Citadel and the Whitney Pier Corps.  As a result of changing times and a declining population base it became necessary for the two to become one.  The amalgamation was completed in July 1999 to form the Sydney Community Church.    The vision for the new Corps includes a renewed commitment to outreach, pastoral care, the integration of the Community and Family Services Ministry and other programs under one roof including Parkdale ministries (a day care center for seniors).

The vision came to fruition in a newly constructed 13,000 SF building which was officially opened by the Territorial Commander on September 23, 2006.

Wingham, ON - Corps, Community & Family Services, and Thrift Store

The ministry in Wingham Ontario has been functioning in three separate locations.  Unfortunately, none of these locations are wheelchair accessible.  Furthermore there were issues at the Corps facility with the steepness of stairs, undersizing of the washrooms, etc.

The Corps had noticed a decline in attendance especially with the seniors both Sunday mornings and with the outreach program.  By holding bible study meetings at the quarters it was noted that the attendance had increased considerably from when it was held at the Corps building.  The congregation agreed that it would be a good move to consolidate all of the Corps ministries under one roof and relocate to "where the action is", in the center of Town.

A 15,000 SF building was purchased in 2004 in the heart of the city to fulfill this vision.  Renovations have now been completed and the new facility was opened on September 23, 2006.

Vancouver, BC - Kate Booth House

The Kate Booth House program is a safe house for women and their children fleeing domestic violence.

Unfortunately the former building was old and in a state of disrepair.  As a result, the Division was unable to meet all of the programming needs and properly service clients.

The demolition of the old building and replacement of the same site have been part of the Division's overall capital campaign, and over the past 2 years a great deal of time and effort has gone into the design and construction of this brand new 15,000 SF facility.

The grand opening was held in late September.

End of Canada and Bermuda Territory - Chief Secretary's Report

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