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God’s Fellow Workers Commissioned

Tue 24th Jun 2008 Add comment

“For the past two years, God has been shaping your heart so that it conforms to the heart of Jesus.” With these words, Major Susan van Duinen, divisional commander, Manitoba and Northwest Ontario Division, addressed the eight cadets of the God’s Fellow Workers Session on the eve of their commissioning as Salvation Army officers.

The occasion was a divisional salute in which Winnipeg Salvationists gathered to say farewell and express their appreciation for the cadets’ ministry during their training period. Through word and song, representatives from various corps and social services took time to say “Thank you for giving to the Lord” as they told how the cadets had impacted their lives in significant ways. The Friday night event was the first of two public meetings that took place during the annual commissioning weekend June 13-15.

On Saturday afternoon, a large congregation at Elim Chapel greeted the cadets as they slowly made their way into the sanctuary to the music of My All Is On the Altar by an ensemble from the Canadian Staff Band. After the exultant singing of Crown Him With Many Crowns and We Are Standing on Holy Ground, Dr. James Read, director of The Salvation Army Ethics Centre, prayed God’s blessing on the cadets as they responded to God’s call and prepared to move out into ministry. Major Sandra Rice, principal, College for Officer Training, then presented the God’s Fellow Workers Session, who responded by joining their fellow cadets from the Witnesses for Christ in singing their sessional song, written and conducted by Major Julie Slous. This was followed in turn by the cadets’ Declaration of Faith, led by the chief secretary, Lt-Colonel Donald Copple.

In his remarks, Commissioner William W. Francis, territorial commander, referred to the cadets as a “dangerous” people—dangerous because they would soon be unleashed to minister throughout the Canada and Bermuda Territory, battling evil and standing up for what is right as they worked with God to build his Kingdom. As each cadet knelt to be ordained and commissioned, family members and supporters in the congregation were asked to stand in solidarity and commitment. The commissioner shared a specific verse of Scripture with each new officer before Commissioner Marilyn D. Francis offered a prayer of dedication. As the meeting moved into a spirit of celebration, the new lieutenants marched in to salute the territorial commander, who proceeded to give them their first appointments. In between lively songs of praise and worship, Lieutenants Peter Lublink and Tina Dominaux shared their testimonies, thanking God for being with them during their time of training and sharing their excitement about going out to serve in his name. A timbrel presentation to the exhilarating music of Shine Down preceded the singing of O Boundless Salvation, followed in turn by a prayer of benediction by Major Jean Moulton, secretary for personnel. Family and friends then joined in an informal reception as they congratulated the new officers and wished them well as they embarked on a lifetime of ministry.

– Major Ken Smith, Associate Editor, Salvationist

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