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There’s A Butterfly On My Shoulder

Fri 30th Nov 2007 Add comment

the-butterfly.jpgSummer has ended, days are shorter, but the sun still shines brightly nevertheless!

It was such a day in late August early September, 2007. My day started off with some much needed rain falling on the newly paved driveway and fresh sod. The rain was appreciated in Aurora, Ontario, since practically everyone’s lawn was a crispy brown colour.

I work for a large Canadian insurance company that deals primarily with self-employed people. It was just past noon and I was driving into the area of upscale North Toronto looking for contractors and other such types to whom I could offer my products/services.

On the northwest corner of Yonge Street and Lawrence Avenue West I saw a lady pacing back and forth, talking on a cell phone. She was covered in drywall dust; a good sign of a contractor. I waited patiently to make my introduction.

She told me her name was Oksana and she is in fact employed as a drywall sander working as a sub-contractor. Oksana informed me she was originally from Odessa in the Ukraine. “It is so beautiful there,” she said. When I told her one of my best friends in our company was also from the same city, her face lit up and she smiled. This feeling of ease allowed her to open up.

She told me how she and her husband immigrated to Canada three years previous. They brought her mother here to escape from an abusive relationship caused by Oksana’s father. Mother, in her late 50s, was now working part-time as a waitress in a fast food restaurant. “What can you do for my mother,” she asked? Thinking of the various insurance programs that might be available, I asked a few more questions and determined that it was not possible to make an offer. Oksana thanked me and asked for a brochure and my business card.

As we were wrapping up our conversation I could see pain in her eyes. I asked if she was a member of any church. She said “no.” I extended an invitation to her to visit The Salvation Army North York Temple. We have recently had an influx of attendees from that part of the world and her family could very well find peace and fellowship.

We were about to shake hands and say good-bye when I noticed that Oksana was looking past my right cheek. She gasped and said, “tthere’s a beautiful butterfly on the tip of your right shoulder.” I turned ever so slowly and there it was, just fluttering gently in the soft breeze. We were then joined by one of her fellow workers and he too marveled at such a beautiful sight.

Captivated by the moment, I asked the fellow if he could reach into my car and bring my cell phone/camera over. Meanwhile the beautiful butterfly was still perched carelessly on my shoulder. As she was about to position herself for the picture, Oksana looked in disappointment as our little friend flew off up amongst the tall maple trees. Suddenly, Oksana said, “oh no, there it is again, now it’s on your left shoulder.” Sure enough it was. Still holding my phone/camera, Oksana leaned forward and snapped a picture of the butterfly on my left shoulder. We finally said our good-byes and I left continuing my search for self-employed people.

While driving along the streets I found myself wondering aloud as to what this was all about. You see, butterflies do not normally land on people. Was there a message here?

I began thinking back about the dreadful experiences of Oksana’s mother. Then thoughts of two close family friends began crowding my mind. Jon Bradbury, youngest son of Majors Clarence and Linda Bradbury, suffering in an ICU in Atlanta, Georgia and Lt.-Colonel Roy Bungay, husband of cousin Lt.-Colonel Joy Bungay suffering from the pangs of cancer in Gander, Nfld. I also had thoughts of our wayward son. His whereabouts or status. Bundle all of that with on-going personal concerns regarding health, family and finances, I asked, “God, where are you in all of this pain, hurt and confusion”? I pulled over to the side of the street, closed my teary eyes and began to eat my bagged lunch, all the while becoming more confused and alone.

The sky went dreadfully dark, the sun had gone in behind some clouds. This was how Christ must have felt that day on the cross when he cried, “My God, My God, why has thou forsaken me”? Suddenly, the sun came bursting through the clouds again straight into my eyes sitting there in the car and as I looked around a voice as clear as someone sitting next to me said, “why are you worrying so, I am God and I will take care of all things in my time.” A gentle quietness covered me as gently as the butterfly on had been on my shoulder.

Was that butterfly the spirit of my two friends or even more so, was it the sweet, sweet spirit of a caring, Holy God letting His presence be known? Joshua 1:9 states, “Have I not commanded thee? Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”

I find comfort in the words from a book entitled, “Bible Promises to Treasure for Victorious Living under the heading God Can Give You Peace…

Dear Lord, I need renewal in my life,
But tell me what You want me to be, first,
Then tell me what You want me to do.
Speak, for I am listening;
Guide, for I am willing to follow,
Be silent, for I am willing to rest in Your love.

Is there a butterfly on your shoulder? Be still for the presence of the Lord…

by Ross Sturge

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