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“Holiness - Revisited” Tour - N.L. W Division

Wed 26th Sep 2007 Add comment

tillsleyimg_0496.jpgCulture is unavoidable. It is in the air we breathe. Whether it is wholesome or toxic we cannot avoid its impact on our lives and churches. It is then, of supreme importance, that as Salvationists we re-affirm our heritage of holy living. To be in the world but not of the world.

This year, the N.L. W Division (Major Junior Hynes, Divisional Commander) is challenging all Salvationists to have a “renewed focus on our Biblically based, distinctive holiness teaching” through worship, Bible study, and training. An aspect of this challenge was the recent “Holiness - Re-visited” tour by General’s Bramwell and Maude Tillsley throughout the division.

In their first public meeting at Bishop’s Falls, a capacity congregation comprised of three corps in the Exploits Region, heard the General clearly proclaim the need of all Salvationists to be holy. “From the moment of your salvation, you have all of the Spirit you need; but does the Spirit have all of you?” As the challenge was made, hundreds responded by kneeling or standing.

Later, the Tillsleys spent a day in the Word with the officers of the division. The officers were encouraged by the General’s profound teaching, especially the many officers who had not been exposed to his ministry. While focusing upon 1 Cor. 13, the General explained that this “love chapter” was one of the clearest descriptions of holiness. The officers were encouraged to place the name of “Jesus” wherever the word ‘love’ was found. The greater challenge was to then place their own name. This, the General proclaimed, is the holiness required in our communities.

The tour concluded with a public holiness meeting in the Corner Brook Region. The worship included the rich heritage of The Salvation Army holiness songs, intertwined with choruses of contemporary appeal. As the General stood to speak, indeed all felt they were “standing on holy ground.” As in the other services, there was a ready response to the Spirit’s calling, as both the mercy seat and front pews were lined with sincere seekers.

In Jesus prayer for his disciples, John 17:17, he says ,“They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.” Both officers and Salvationists alike were filled with gratitude for the General’s poignant and clear teaching from the Word. Indeed, these were sanctifying moments by all who attended.

Major Brian Wheeler
Divisional Secretary for Program
N.L. W Div

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