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Do you believe that the economic situation will worsen or improve in 2009?


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From the desk of Major Eric Bond-DC Prairie Division

Thu 16th Aug 2007 Add comment

August 2007 - Donna and I arrived in the office on Tuesday July 24, and we want to start by expressing our sincere gratitude for the cooperation and preparation undertaken by Mjrs Bob and Shirley Ratcliff to make the transition of leadership so smooth.

Before arriving in our appointment, I formulated a 100 day plan, which was part of the preparation for the race before I reached the starting line. As part of that preparation, through reflection and prayer, I chose the theme of ‘Moving Forward - Together’ as a guiding principle for us to focus on. It is only as we work together that we can move forward to accomplish the mission and ministry God has planned for us.

On our journey to Edmonton, we stopped at Beaver Creek camp to meet with the officers of Saskatchewan to discuss their hopes, concerns and to communicate important details about restructuring.

On our arrival, I have made it a priority to meet with those who directly report to me to interview them and hear their heart and passion. I used five key questions to guide our discussion:
1. What are the 5 most important things that we should be sure to preserve and why?
2. What are the top 3 things we need to change and why?
3. What do you most hope to do?
4. What are you most concerned I might do?
5. What advice do you have for me?
6. Anything else you would like to discuss or ask me?

These questions allowed me to listen and learn as we continue Move Forward - Together. There are some interviews still to be scheduled but I invite anyone to respond through e-mail if you wish to have input. We have been involved in a number of board meetings and our calendar is beginning to fill with future dates.

We have visited both camps and Donna spent the week from August 6 - 9 at the Mom’s and Kid’s camp at Pine Lake. We have also visited three corps in the last few weeks and had the privilege of installing Majors Eddie and Genevera Vincent at Glenmore Temple on Sunday, August 5. We are continuing to meet with our various DHQ staff members on a regular basis to communicate, learn and deal with the important business of ministry in the Prairie Division.

As part of the preparation for the new restructured Prairie Division, we have worked with the Area Commanders to identify the ministry units they will be responsible for and this information will help the units to identify who they have as a ‘go to’ person.

We are making preparations for the Ministry Practice camp the week of August 20-23, 2007 and look forward to meeting everyone at that time.

Look for future issues of the DC’s E-Memo in the near future. Please pray for us as we seek God’s guidance and wisdom as we Move Forward - Together.

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