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Do you believe that the economic situation will worsen or improve in 2009?


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Role And Values Statements

Role And Values Statements:  In the delivery of services, the finance department is guided by the following role and values statements developed through a strategic planning process in 2001-02.

The choice of the term “role” rather than a “mission” statement was quite deliberate.  The department recognizes that its only mission is best captured by the territorial mission statement.  The departmental role simply defines the finance department’s role in working towards the territorial mission, and our staff are encouraged to understand the role of the department in terms of how it helps accomplish the territorial mission.

Role Statement:  The Salvation Army Territorial Headquarters Finance Department exists to deliver quality accounting and financial reporting services, provide strategic business advice, ensure prudent management of the organization's investments, and promote excellence in financial management and Christian stewardship with a primary focus on the mission of The Salvation Army.

We value: 
                (1)  Our Clients;
                (2)  Our Staff.

(1)  Our Clients - Our clients include all personnel within The Salvation Army.  Our efforts also impact clients served within the ministry of The Salvation Army.  In serving our clients:

• We constantly look for ways of improving service based on their needs,
• We conduct ourselves in a professional and courteous manner; and
• We provide relevant information that is concise, accurate and understandable.

(2)  Our Staff - Each staff member can make a valuable contribution.  This contribution is maximized when we:

• Create a positive work environment characterized by Christian values,
• Cultivate open and effective communication,
• Encourage staff development and personal growth, and
• Establish realistic job expectations that allow for a balanced lifestyle. 

Our Philosophies:  The following philosophies or core principles were developed during the department’s strategic planning exercise in 2001-02, and form the basis for decision-making and project planning in the department.

• Focus on core services; eliminate ancillary and low value added activities whenever
• Integrate financial systems wherever possible.
• Ensure that staff are skilled, competent, and effective.
• Minimize the RAC/THQ distinction as much as possible.
• Be proactive vs. reactive.
• Build relationships with others - use best practices.
• Hire the best staff no matter where they live.
• Focus on our clients and aim at helping them achieve their mission.
• Build strong relationships with divisions/departments.
• Work with DHQs to support accounting and finance at the ministry unit level.
• Develop our role in training and/or facilitating the training of ministry unit personnel
   in finance management.
• Communicate in a concise, accurate and clear manner.
• Use succession planning as a key part of performance evaluation and staff
• Strive for a positive and healthy work environment characterized by Christian values.
• Communicate staff’s role in the bigger picture, helping them to see how their task
   impacts the success of the department, and the mission of the Army.