Go figure,” my friend commented. “You have a picture of sheep on your computer desktop.” She knows I love to knit.
“Take another look,” I said with a smile. What she didn’t see at first was that one of the sheep was really a wolf dressed in sheep’s clothing. I’ve tested many of my other friends this way, too. They couldn’t see the wolf at first either.
Many Christians today are woefully unable to discern the difference between a genuine sheep and a wolf dressed up like a sheep. Jesus talked about these deceivers in Matthew 7:15-20—true Christians versus false Christians, true prophets versus false prophets. In reality, the Church is full of wolves in sheep’s clothing. Unfortunately, we often aren’t aware of who they are until it is too late.
Interestingly, when my son, Nathan, looked at the picture he noticed the wolf pretty quickly. We talked about what Jesus meant when he said there are wolves among the sheep. “How can I tell who is a real sheep and who is a wolf?” Nathan asked.
“Good question,” I answered. “Do you remember when Jesus said, ‘You will know them by their fruit?’ Think about it. If a tree has apples on it, what kind of tree is it?”
“An apple tree?” said Nathan.
“Right. Do pears ever grow on an apple tree?”
“No,” he responded.
“Exactly! Jesus said our actions are like fruit on a fruit tree. The fruit is what identifies us. If a person lies, he is a liar. If a person steals, she is a thief. If a person talks about someone behind their back, he is a gossip. In the same way, if a person says he is a Christian, yet doesn’t behave like one, is he really a Christian?”
“No, I guess not,” Nathan answered.
Still, people don’t realize they’ve missed the mark. Jesus said that some will come to the gates of Heaven and say, “But Lord, we did this and that in your name,” and he’ll reply that he never knew them (see Matthew 7:22-23). That’s the sad part.
Even if you can’t tell the difference between a sheep and a wolf in disguise, it doesn’t matter. You’ll know them by their actions. This is why it is so important for us to model the right kind of behaviour for our children. They are watching us very carefully and are quick to pick up when we’re not consistent. Children need a plumb line. They need to know what’s right so that they’ll recognize wrong when they see it.
As a pastor, I keep that picture on my computer to remind me I have a flock of sheep to protect. As the under-shepherd entrusted with the Lord’s own, I must be constantly alert so that I can see danger when it is coming. Then I know to lie down in front of the corral gate to keep the wolf at bay.
Sometimes, however, we don’t see the threat for what it is—usually because our radar is turned off or disabled by the distractions of life. Unfortunately, disaster in the Church often takes the form of strife and dissension when a wolf in sheep’s clothing sneaks in. It then takes far more work to protect the sheep.
Recently we had a disturbing incident in our transitional housing program. A young woman was so depressed that she tried to take her life by injecting enough heroin into her body to knock out an elephant. We all held our breath and prayed as paramedics tried to resuscitate her, exhaling a sigh of relief when after about five minutes they got a heartbeat. Where did she get the heroin? A wolf had snuck in. We found out who it was and were able to restrict his access to our facility for dealing drugs on the property.
If only it were that simple in our church congregations. All of us, officers and soldiers alike, need to be on the watch for the enemy. We must pray for discernment so we’ll know when the enemy is near. When he sneaks in, our weapons must be at the ready. The Apostle Paul wrote, “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armour of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against … the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 6:10-12).
It’s not human action that will protect our families and our children. It is consistent prayer and knowing the truth of God’s Word. We must put on the full armour of God and teach our flock how to do likewise.
Major Kathie Chiu is the Corps Officer and Executive Director of The Caring Place Ministries, Mountain View Community Church, Maple Ridge, B.C.