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The Red Serge and the Red Shield

Thu 17th Jul 2008 Add comment

The Red Serge of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police is recognized around the world as a symbol of Canada

The Red Serge of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police is recognized around the world as a symbol of Canada. The force’s motto “Maintiens le droit” (Defend the Right) is a welcomed message and a source of hope to all who experience injustice.

The Red Shield of The Salvation Army is an international symbol of hope and Christian compassion for the disadvantaged of our society.

Officers in both the RCMP and The Salvation Army frequently work together on a variety of community service projects all across Canada.

Together RCMP members and Salvationists have assisted community residents displaced by flood. Together they have provided support to those battling a forest fire or combing the woods in search of a lost individual.

Recently in Ottawa, the two organizations came together again. The event was Red Serge Red Shield Day at The Salvation Army Grace Manor on July 10. This was an occasion to honour past collaborations and also to stand together against those who seek to victimize the vulnerable.

Red Serge Red Shield Day was a fun and informative time for the 128 Grace Manor residents, six bus loads of seniors from other area long-term care facilities and numerous members of the general pubic. Featured in and around Grace Manor were various RCMP displays on safety, fraud awareness, elder abuse as well as displays on from Alzheimer’s Society, National Clearing House on Family Violence and the Ottawa Rotary Club. The goal was to give seniors and their families some simple tools so they can protect themselves from identity theft, counterfeiting, credit and bank card swiping scams as well as fraudulent telemarketing schemes.

Captain Derrick Gullage, Grace Manor’s executive director, commented, “While our staff provide good care, it is difficult to protect residents against those who seek to use the telephone or the Internet to steal from seniors.” RCMP Inspector Greg Bowen maintains that fraud is never a victimless crime: "When seniors are victims of fraud, they often loose their savings, and self-esteem. Events like this are a great way to reach out to seniors and let them know that our organizations are committed in partnering together in helping protect them.” 

In addition to its important educational message, Red Serge Red Shield Day was lots of fun. Those present witnessed a demonstration of bomb detection techniques by a police dog and a remote-controlled robot. There was an opportunity to view SWAT team weapons, police cruisers, motorcycles and watercraft. There was also a lot of picture taking as many people poses for a picture with mounted RCMP in their red serge dress uniforms together with horses from the force's Musical Ride. Also on site was a Salvation Army emergency response vehicle and staff ensured that all present were adequately provided with water on the hot summer day.

The 2008 Red Serge Red Shield Day was the third time that the RCMP and The Salvation Army partnered in this manner. The event has grown over the years and it enjoyed by both police officers and seniors. Organizers hope it will continue for many years to come.


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