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Summer Evangelism With Faith & Friends

Mon 21st Jul 2008 Add comment
How are churches using the free summer edition of Faith & Friends magazine?

1. Pastors are making evangelism with Faith & Friends a summer priority.

“As Majors we have to take on this responsibility in terms of distributing Faith & Friends,” concludes Captain Miguel Borgela. “We have one member of our congregation that makes sure Faith & Friends reaches people in the hospitals. We also do a door-to-door campaign in our community.”

2. Churches are encouraging volunteers to coordinate activities and events to distribute Faith & Friends. Volunteers take the initiative to discuss stories inside the magazine.

You need to develop people in your church to organize outreach efforts. By recruiting and encouraging volunteers you can work as a team to distribute Faith & Friends and share ideas as to how to present its stories to people.

Although new to his appointment with the Chilliwack Corps, Major Larry Farley says in past appointments that he has tried to encourage, train and develop people to engage in magazine ministry with Faith & Friends. Through a door-to-door campaign his church distributed Faith & Friends magazine to homes in the community.

3. Churches are finding ways to work together with other churches to distribute the magazine through group events or activities.

“Last year we did a welcome back day with five other churches in our community,” says Major Don Law of the Moose Jaw Corps. “We held the community event at a local school and took Faith & Friends summer evangelism edition for that and we used some of the September copy.”

He says they also did a smaller campaign by having a member of the church distribute Faith & Friends in stores and dental offices. He asked that person to follow up their use by visiting those locations again and seeing if the magazines were being used and they found that people had been taking them.

How are churches using the free summer edition of Faith & Friends magazine?

1. Pastors are making evangelism with Faith & Friends a summer priority.

“As Majors we have to take on this responsibility in terms of distributing Faith & Friends,” concludes Captain Miguel Borgela. “We have one member of our congregation that makes sure Faith & Friends reaches people in the hospitals. We also do a door-to-door campaign in our community.”

2. Churches are encouraging volunteers to coordinate activities and events to distribute Faith & Friends. Volunteers take the initiative to discuss stories inside the magazine.

You need to develop people in your church to organize outreach efforts. By recruiting and encouraging volunteers you can work as a team to distribute Faith & Friends and share ideas as to how to present its stories to people.

Although new to his appointment with the Chilliwack Corps, Major Larry Farley says in past appointments that he has tried to encourage, train and develop people to engage in magazine ministry with Faith & Friends. Through a door-to-door campaign his church distributed Faith & Friends magazine to homes in the community.

3. Churches are finding ways to work together with other churches to distribute the magazine through group events or activities.

“Last year we did a welcome back day with five other churches in our community,” says Major Don Law of the Moose Jaw Corps. “We held the community event at a local school and took Faith & Friends summer evangelism edition for that and we used some of the September copy.”

He says they also did a smaller campaign by having a member of the church distribute Faith & Friends in stores and dental offices. He asked that person to follow up their use by visiting those locations again and seeing if the magazines were being used and they found that people had been taking them.

4. Pastors and their volunteers don’t become discouraged in magazine ministry.

It’s easy to say there are no events happening in my community this summer or that too many people in my congregation are vacationing but rather than giving up together generate events and opportunities. It does take time and work but it will pay off in terms of people learning about God and meeting members of your church.

The ways that you can use the magazine are easy and they include giving Faith & Friends away at:

Open air events or park services
Door-to-door campaigns
Medical offices
Along parade routes
Summer BBQs and picnics
Nursing homes or hospitals
As an insert into your local newspaper
On prayer walks

To learn more about placing an order for Faith & Friends magazine with your corps please call Pamela Richardson, production and distribution coordinator, telephone (416) 422-6112.

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