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Social Issues Events

Mon 21st Jan 2008 Add comment

2008 marks the 40th anniversary of the Social Issues Committee.  This group has been known by some other names - the Council on Morals and Ethics (COME), the Commission on Moral and Social Standards and Issues - and has had the longest continual operation of any such body in The Salvation Army worldwide.  And even more remarkably, Justice Ken Pedlar has been a member of the group since its first meeting on 11 October 1968.

To celebrate these significant achievements, there will be a dinner program on Saturday, 9 February 2008, at the Scarborough Citadel, 2021 Lawrence Avenue East, in Toronto.  We would love to have you join us that evening.  The cost of the meal will be $15.00.  You can reserve your ticket for the event by calling Maria Ducharme at 204-957-2412, or emailing her at by Monday, 4 February 2008.

If you are unable to join us, but would like to send a note of congratulation to Ken, or an anecdote of your experience with the committee, we would be honored to share it with those in attendance that evening.  Please forward them to Maria by either emailing them to the address above, faxing to 204-957-2418 or via post to 447 Webb Place, Winnipeg, MB R3B 2P2.

We are also having a Service of Celebration at Scarborough Citadel at 11:00 am Sunday, 10 February 2008, with Commissioner Christine MacMillan of the International Social Justice Commission bringing the message.  Please join us if you are able.

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