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Smithers Salvation Army Center Renovates

Tue 3rd Jun 2008 Add comment

Renovations of the Salvation Army thrift store, community and family services office and food bank in Smithers, British Columbia were completed in December. The remodelling project that cost between $100,000 and $120,000 has enabled the center to expand the services it offers people.

“One reason for the project was that the design of the building didn’t allow people to feel at home,” says Rick Apperson, family services coordinator. “It had become dirty, dingy and ill-lit. Now it is the opposite.”

Due to the changes the center was able to add a drop-in area that people can use daily. There is also more storage space so that the food bank can collect and house more non-perishable food. A new heating and air conditioning system was installed and a kitchen was added. The changes to the office allow for personal and private counselling of people in need. Changes also enhanced the atmosphere of the building’s thrift store.

One of the most aesthetically pleasing details is a new mural added to the drop-in centre’s main wall. Sean Junglas, community ministries director, says it gives the centre added character.

“We have incorporated First Nations culture into our facility because of the symbol we have added to the wall, a mural called the Creator’s Path to Peace,” says Junglas. “There was another corps that had it in Williams Lake. We had a local artist recreate that one for us. People look at the symbol and ask about its meaning and it gives us a chance to talk about God as the Creator.”

Among the ways that the center raised money for the project was inviting theatre performer John Wason to perform last September. Wason, who works for Youth With A Mission, performed two shows and held a drama skills workshop for teens. The performances involved doing monologues based on the biblical books of James and Philippians. To enact the book of James Wason pretended to be James and engaged the audience in conversations as he performed. He acted like an absent minded professor and his zealous student to deliver the Apostle Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi (the book of Philippians).

The Salvation Army in Smithers did a community appeal through the newspaper and radio ads to help raise funds to purchase equipment.

The Salvation Army wishes to thank everyone who made these improvements to its facility and service possible.

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