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Responding to God’s Call

Wed 30th Apr 2008 Add comment

Allison DowneyThe decision I made to become a soldier of The Salvation Army was not made lightly. At the time, I was an active member of a non-denominational church that I loved and was among Christian friends who cared deeply for me. However, God had other plans and was gradually revealing to me his love for the poor and marginalized. He was doing a work in my life that I could not ignore. Through the reading of Scripture and some significant personal experiences, God was calling me to action and I was responding in the best way I knew how.

While all this was happening, a certain young man with a passion for the lost and compassion for the needy won my heart. Simon Downey and I were engaged on a Saturday evening and I attended my first Salvation Army meeting the next morning. Simon and I both loved the Lord and loved each other, and for our marriage to work I knew we had to be united in spirit, which meant at the very least worshipping together.

Sometimes I wonder if I would have come to the Army if it had not been for Simon, but that is completely missing the point. When I look at the journey it took for me to get here, I believe it is nothing short of God’s plan for my life. Like many others, I can say with certainty, “I was chosen to be a soldier of The Salvation Army.”

Still, my journey did not end there. I have learned and I have grown in my spiritual walk, as well as in my understanding of The Salvation Army’s mission and the meaning of soldiership. Today, I am a soldier because I believe whole-heartedly in the Army’s mission to “save souls, grow saints and serve suffering humanity.” I am compelled to engage in the spiritual war against evil and I choose to unite with others who share in this common purpose.

Captain Allison Downey
Woodroffe Community Church, Ottawa Fellowship and Spiritual Growth

Tom EllwoodAlthough I was born and raised in the Army, I am a Christian and a Salvation Army soldier today not by birth, but by choice.
The Army provides a unique worldwide fellowship that I have not encountered in other churches, service clubs or professions. Contrary to advice I was given years ago, being a Salvationist has opened many doors and professional opportunities. I have been instantly trusted and accepted in various situations not because of who I am, but because I am a member of The Salvation Army. Service as a Salvationist has provided untold opportunities to develop my own skills and talents. It continues to offer me many areas of service through which I can contribute to the lives of others, both directly and indirectly.

I am indebted to The Salvation Army for so much. It was through the Army that I was introduced to the Lord. It was within the Army that I found my wife and raised my family. Most of my friends, both locally and around the world, are in the Army. It was within the Army that I was instilled with such lifelong values as commitment, service, discipline and duty-principles that have served me so well in my working life. The Army also instilled in me my love of music and the development of humour.
My life has been enriched by the friends the Army has provided. My spiritual development has been the result of the influence of other Salvationists. I sincerely believe that life for me would have been very boring and perhaps purposeless without the Army. I have truly found purpose and “joy in The Salvation Army,” to quote an old song.
If I had my life to live again, yes, there are certain things I would do differently. But I would live it again as a Salvationist. Of this I have no doubt.

Tom Ellwood
Victoria Citadel, B.C.

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