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Remember Jesus

Finding opportunities to share the gospel

Fri 14th Nov 2008 Add comment
Earlier this week I was asked to say a short word during our local Remembrance Day service. Knowing that the theme of remembrance and sacrifice was already foremost on people's minds, I chose to emphasis the need to not only remember, but to be inspired by the heroes of the past. I suggested that the greatest of those heroes was Jesus Christ. Here was someone who gave his life so that we might live. I finished my speech by quoting the now famous words of William Booth's “I'll Fight” speech.

Following the service I had dozens of people approach me about the words I had shared. To my surprise I was told that this was the first time in 20 years that they could remember hearing the name of Jesus proclaimed. I was a little taken aback, but nonetheless thrilled that I had been given the opportunity. As I left the service I couldn't help but wonder, with all the emphasis on remembrance, how is it that we as Christians forget to mention Jesus’ name? How is it that for 20 years, preachers have been asked to share and not once was a true message of hope shared (or at least remembered by those present)? How is it that some of us still have friends who don't know that we follow Christ? Why keep such great and incredible news to ourselves?

This week, don't miss the opportunities provided to you to share the gospel of Jesus.

Lieutenant Peter Lublink and his wife, Alison, are the corps officers of High Point Community Church in Victoria. Prior to entering The Salvation Army’s College for Officer Training in Winnipeg, Peter managed a small marketing and business solutions firm in the Toronto area. For more details on Peter and his community of High Point, visit

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