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Manitoba Morphosis

Fri 8th Feb 2008 Add comment

Frigid Manitoba temperatures didn’t hold back sixty five delegates and leaders from attending the recent Micahmorphosis with special guest Major Floyd Tidd. Youth and young adults from the city of Winnipeg braved wind chill factors in the -40 range to participate in a winter retreat that will be long remembered for its energy and enthusiasm. As a joint initiative of Heritage Park Temple and Divisional Headquarters, this weekend clearly revealed that God is working and moving in the lives of young people who desire to make a difference in their world.

After rescuing CFOT cadets who missed the turn to the camp and actually slid into the ditch; the Friday night keynote session commenced with vibrant expressions of worship under the leadership of Blind Men’s Redemption (Carson Samson). Songs such as “Revolution” (Starfield) drew out the conviction of the delegates that we are still a Salvation Army at war, fighting a battle against injustice and sin. Challenged to hear God’s requirement for our lives, delegates were presented with the recurring theme of the prophet Micah …”to do justice, and to love kindness and walk humbly with your God (Micah 6:8).” Saturday evening, opportunity was given to view documentary material from Kenya which brought this theme very close to the retreat setting.

Manitoba Youth RetreatWhile memories of snowshoeing, cross country skiing, broom ball, tobogganing, and not to forget the late night pool parties, the giant Dutch blitz and the outdoor survivor game; this weekend goes down in the history books as one in which youth in Manitoba have renewed their desire to step in, step up, step out and step forward into the new places God might be leading. The weekend ended with the Franciscan benediction:

“May God bless you with enough foolishness…
To believe that you can make a difference in this world.
So that you can do
What others claim cannot be done.”

Youth in Winnipeg are taking hold of the Micah Challenge!
Manitoba Youth Retreat n621460639_2133596_57691.jpg

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