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Healing for Native Peoples

Fri 4th Jul 2008 Add comment

On June 17, 2008, Commissioner William Francis wrote to Prime Minister Stephen Harper to commend him and the Government of Canada on their historic step of apologizing for the pain inflicted on the Native peoples of Canada through the abuses at the residential schools.

Residential schools were established in the 19th century in the misguided belief native children could be assimilated into mainstream Canadian society by adopting Christianity and speaking English or French. Students were discouraged from speaking their first language or practising native traditions. Throughout the years, students lived in substandard conditions, suffered isolation from family members and endured physical, emotional and sexual abuse.

As Salvationists and as Canadians, it is our responsibility to support the healing process as indigenous people begin sharing their stories through the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

The Salvation Army believes in the equality of people of all races and has always strived to offer unconditional assistance to all in Jesus’ name.

The text of the Commissioner’s letter is below:

The Right Honourable Stephen Harper, P.C., M.P.
Prime Minister of Canada
Langevin Building
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa ON K1A 0A6

Dear Prime Minister Harper,

On behalf of The Salvation Army, I want to thank you for taking a courageous step forward by offering an official apology to Canada’s indigenous peoples.

This initiative has contributed significantly to furthering the healing process in our nation. The motion for the House to sit as a committee of the whole was symbolic of the respect and unity that the apology sought to promote.

The Salvation Army offers its continued support for efforts that bring about healing and restoration among the peoples of Canada.

May God continue to guide and direct you and the members of Parliament in your decision-making on behalf of Canadian citizens.


Commissioner William Francis
Territorial Commander

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