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Harvest of Hope Congress 2008

Tue 5th Aug 2008 Add comment

Salvation Army congress will be a time of inspirational worship, teaching and fellowship

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Harvest of Hope is the theme for Ontario Central East’s Thanksgiving Congress, which will be held October 10-12, 2008 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Momentum is building for this Thanksgiving weekend as God's people prepare to meet together for spiritual renewal and celebration.

Captain Danielle Strickland will be the congress worship leader, Carol Jaudes and the USA Eastern Territorial Arts Ministry Team will praise God through the arts, young people from across the Ontario Central East Division will glorify God through words and music, and our own Territorial Leaders, Commissioner William and Marilyn Francis, will speak from God's Word. This is a "family friendly" congress, so there will be a full nursery and elementary program as well as a youth stream.

A highlight of the weekend will be the "Breakfast with 'Pinball' Mike Clemons," CFL Grey Cup Champion and CEO of the Toronto Argonauts, on Sunday morning. We invite you to join Salvationists and friends from across the Ontario Central East region as we celebrate God's goodness and faithfulness!

For more information and/or to register, visit Harvest of Hope.

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