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Fire Ravages Salvation Army Warehouse

Mon 5th May 2008 Add comment

A weekend fire at a Toronto Salvation Army warehouse has caused extensive damage to the building and its contents, which includes food, toys and clothes.

The Salvation Army uses this facility as a central distribution centre for Community and Family Services and the Toy Mountain Campaign.

Salvation Army officials are shocked and saddened by this fire as it will directly impact, for the short term, the lives of those we serve. “It’s a tragic story for those whom the Salvation Army serves because they are the hardest hit,” said Salvation Army spokesman Captain John Murray. “We’re glad it happened on the weekend when there wasn’t staff in the building. But now what we’ve got to do is start to recover.” The organization will complete a full review to determine the extent of the loss.

The Salvation Army is committed to sharing information and will provide details as they are released.

If you’d like to help, you can donate online or call 1-800-SAL-ARMY and indicate “Salvation Army Warehouse Fire”.

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