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Chief Secretary's First Quarter Report

Tue 24th Jun 2008 Add comment

Children & Youth Ministry
Careforce Lifekeys, Healing and Wholeness Ministry
World Missions
Status of Candidate Recruitment  

In the first quarter of 2008, the territory saw 670 people make first time decisions.  Over seventy of those decisions were made by young people in midweek Sunday School meetings as well as Sunday children's programming and midweek activities.  Pioneer Club is becoming a proven program reaching children for Christ.  One corps has seen five children and one adult volunteer give their hearts to the Lord, reports the corps officer.  Of the 267 first time decisions made through our Social services ministry, over half of those decisions were made during interviews with chaplains.   Through corps ministries over 300 people made first time decisions, in Sunday meetings, small group studies, visitation and Community Care Ministries.  It is noteworthy that one third of the decisions made through corps ministries were the result of ministry in nursing homes.

Alpha continues to be an effective outreach method in both existing congregations and church plants.  Corps are finding new ways to share the message of the Gospel in the open air expression relevant for today.  Corps are finding that Bible Study is providing an opportunity to reach unbelievers curious about the Bible, and are finding Christ as Saviour through the small group fellowship and teaching.  Story after story from across the territory demonstrate that there are people seeking and finding Christ as personal Saviour - the common element:  relationships with believers willing to share life and faith. 

In January at an annual meeting with the four other North American Territorial Youth Secretaries, a common key concern was expressed -  reaching and retaining youth and young adults.  US National Headquarters has called for “Refocusing on youth ministry”.

The Territorial Youth Secretary participated in the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada’s round-table on Youth, where the theme again was “reaching and retaining youth and young adults".  There was a strong focus on targeting, developing key youth, young adults, leaders.  The conclusions/resolve of the gathered denominational leaders were as follows:

Authentically live out the mission of the church  - This may require us to look outside our walls, traditions and mindsets to model a Christ focused ministry
Encourage our denominations to work together to further this type of kingdom mission
Call young adults to the mission of the church
Recognize need for intentional dialogue to engage and honour our youth and young adults
Be intentional about mentoring and transitions
Take the issue of transitions to the broader denomination
Expect and enable the emergence of new structures
Identify those who have a dream and support them
Be intentional in releasing those young adults to their passions and giftedness
Be advocates for emerging leaders
Affirm existing expressions of the local church while encouraging new transitional structures

Careforce Lifekeys is now in its second year of implementation across the territory.  The Facilitator Training conducted on the Divisional level is beginning to make its impact at the Ministry Unit level.

We currently have 130 Trained Facilitators, 78 officer personnel and 52 lay people.

The first year, Corps were the only ministry units using this tool. This past year Careforce has been utilized by three of our Social Services Ministries, three Community Family Services and one Corps is providing their Pastoral Care Council with facilitator training.

Although this tool, geared toward healing and wholeness ministry, has not been grasped and utilized as proficiently as hoped, we anticipate that in time it will make its way into the areas of need.  As the word spreads from the ministry units who are using this tool, hopefully others will realize its value and experience it for themselves. The future potential of this ministry to impact individual lives across our territory is exciting.

The following are comments received form several who had recently completed the Search for Life Course:

- I wish I had known about this forty years ago,  it could have saved me and my from much heartache and pain.
- I have learned to let the hurts of the past go and move on with my life.
- I know now that I can experience true healing with God’s help.
- It is the best thing I ever did ‘for me’.   

Division: Territorial Headquarters
City, Province: Toronto, ON
Description: Caring for the earth is a moral and theological priority for the Salvation Army. At territorial headquarters, the Property Department has been involved to develop conscientious strategies are now in place to address environmental issues. Among these is the installation of outlets in boardrooms for laptop computers. Spring cleaning in the building provided the opportunity to dispose of paper and obsolete office equipment in an environmentally responsible manner. T-shirts with red shield logos made from organic cotton are now featured in supplies and purchasing. The business administration department has also announced that, beginning with the next model year (2009), it will introduce “greener” cars and vans into its fleet. They will improve efficiency and decrease pollution caused by global warming.

In March, THQ participated in Earth Hour, joining an estimated 150 communities across Canada in switching off lights as a symbolic stand on climate change.

Continued success has been achieved in relation to the tsunami projects in Sri Lanka even in the midst of the ongoing civil unrest within the country. To date 400 houses have now been built, with a further 75 in progress. Six of the community centers have been built; a further 5 will soon be completed. A total of 1,120 women and their families have received livelihood support through the income generation component of the project. The good relationship with CIDA achieved through the success of the Sri Lankan tsunami project has opened the way for the signed contribution agreement between the Canada and Bermuda Territory and CIDA for a $1.74 million project in Tanzania, Malawi and Kenya. Project orientation for this new project begins the second week of May.

General Fund: The General Fund realized a budget surplus of $0.8 million during the year ended March 31, 2008, a significant improvement over the budget deficit of $2.0 million.

The primary factors contributing to this positive variance from budget were as follows:
- Income from Management Support Assessments was greater than budget by $0.4 million.
- Operating costs across THQ departments were $1.2 million under budget.
- Operating costs across DHQs were $0.4 million under budget.
- THQ grants and support for ministry units were less than expected by $0.8 million

National Red Shield Appeal: The National Red Shield Appeal enjoyed another record year, with total revenues of $42.2 million, compared to $40.6 million in the prior year, an increase of 4%.

Investments : Investment returns for the year for the General Investment Fund (GIF) and Officers’ Retirement Trust Fund (ORTF) were below their respective benchmarks by 2.0% and 2.1% respectively, with returns of -2.6% for the GIF and -2.7% for the ORTF).  The Territory’s spending policy for investment income, which pegs the amount allocated to the annual operating budget based on a long-term expected rate of return, rather than that realized in a particular year, will mitigate against the impact of these poor returns on the Territory’s budget for 2008/09.

There are 19 candidates applying for the fall of 2008.  This is “up” from the numbers of the past few years – which is a very good sign.

Design for Life weekends are still being held in various Divisions and Corps.  These weekends speak to the call upon people’s lives, and how they can respond accordingly.

A Territorial Officership Information Weekend is in the planning stage for this coming fall.  This will, again, spark interest.  Also, a series in the Salvationist magazine is to commence in June, and run for close to a year – all relating to the importance of officership as a vocation.

God is doing a new and beautiful thing in our Territory in these days!

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