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A Deadly Duo

Tue 5th Feb 2008 1 comment

drunk.jpgTwo drunken men in a truck spelled disaster

In 1993, a devastating car crash took place just outside of Atlanta, Georgia. The one-ton truck mercilessly slammed into a small Chevy Citation. The truck carried two men-both drunk. I was one of them. Two teenage sisters were killed. Both were pregnant. In the same car a 4-year-old boy was seriously injured and a 38-year-old lady suffered massive injuries, barely surviving.
I was charged with seven felonies and misdemeanors that combined added up to 57 years in prison. As I sat in the county jail with a $1.9 million bond, I sobered up and reflected how it all had unfolded.

Atheistic Enemy
For 20 years I had been an atheistic enemy of God, an alcoholic and totally miserable. I became an alcoholic as a teenager. At first it was fun, but then I became addicted. After that I drank alcohol to numb the ache that had formed in my heart from a lack of true meaning.

All my life I tried to find my identity, to fit in, to be accepted. I had no father, so I tried to become like those around me-my brothers, my buddies, my superstars on television. By the time of the crash I was a 32-year-old man with no identity! I had mere bits and pieces of everyone else’s character.

Just seven months before the crash my wife of 10 years got fed up with my rowdy alcoholic ways, took our three sons and left me. So there I sat, miserable from self-pity and feeling deep remorse for the victims of the car crash. I lost everything. I now had no family, no hope and no future.

With the shortage of novels to read in the county jail, I began reading the neat stories in the Bible to help pass my time. Little did I know, holy seeds were being planted inside of me.

My Publicized Trial
The trial came eight months later. It was highly publicized, with TV and newspaper coverage. My heartless public defender insisted I show no remorse, as our defense was that I was not the driver. I was scared and unprepared, having never been to trial before. Reluctantly, I obeyed. This produced an outrage from the media and victims, and rightly so. However, some of the victims were praying for me.

I was convicted after seven days and sentenced to 57 years in prison. It was on day five, during a recess, that I found myself in a small holding tank raising my atheist is hands up in desperation saying, “If there really is a God up there, I need you, and I need you now!”

Atheist in Church
Three days later, the day after my conviction, I was invited to go to church by a trustee who promised to smuggle me in a couple of cigarettes. I agreed, though I had not been in church for about 20 years.

The moment I entered the jail chapel I saw an unmistakable difference in the atmosphere. Intrigued, I found a pew near the back to wait for my friend. I observed how inmates were hugging each other, saying, “I love you.” This amazed me.
A woman began playing music on the piano. The music touched me way down deep. I gulped hard when the chaplain walked in. I was captured by his humble smile and the twinkle in his eyes.

When the service began I stirred in my seat … something was happening. I found myself getting misty eyed. I felt a tug on my heart. Soon I began to weep softly as all the stress and pressure from the trial seemed to be released. Yet it was much more! The Holy Presence of Jesus Christ literally overwhelmed me. My weeping turned to outright bawling! I cried throughout the whole service. During this time a voice seemed to softly speak and a vision came of a better way, a better future. I didn’t know it at the time, but repentance was taking place.

Real and Powerful
This divine encounter was so powerful, I knew I had a decision to make, for God made Himself perfectly present! All doubt fell from my soul-Jesus is real! That night I was born again!

Since that day, nearly 14 years ago, God has shown me exactly who I am, that is, who I am in Christ, and who Christ is in me. He has revealed that I have a divine purpose. I have found peace in prison from knowing I have a mission-a reason to turn what was evil into something good.

I once had extremely low self-esteem. But after Jesus saved me, He began to show me my worth was found in Him, not in the world, that I was created in His image-not in the image of my brothers, friends, or superstars!

Ready to Drive
God is now preparing me for a ministry to help prevent drinking and driving, show alcoholics the way to the truth that there is a better life and help victims of drunk

The Lord has restored all of my sons, given me a beautiful wife and will soon release me from prison. We have already written 20 tracts, four books, and we are ready to be used by God.

Since coming to prison, the Lord has given me a GED, and a bachelor’s degree in theology. He has used me in prison ministry and as a chaplain’s aide, plus much more. Truly, what God has done in my transformed life is evidence that there is hope for anyone.

I pray my testimony will help give light to the atheist, hope for the lost, deliverance to the addicted and motivation to the seeker.
My purpose is a passion to reach teens before they ever begin driving, to make a difference and to give God the glory.

Author name is withheld.

Reprinted with permission by The War Cry, US

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One Response

  1. Comment from benny ho, Tue 5th Feb 2008 3:03pm

    Great to hear your testimony, it is similar to my own. But one gnawing questions is, did you apologize in any way to the victims families? Just wondering.